Dossey recovered from the coma and he has chances to be well again

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 13 noiembrie 2008 00:00

The former goalkeeper from the team Pandurii Târgu Jiu, Ibrahim Dossey, who was the victim of a road accident on 13th September, recovered from a deep coma which lasted almost two months and he is not anymore connected to the machines.
Although nobody trusted in his recovery, the football player is not anymore connected at the machines from few days ago and he breathes without help, but he is not very strong yet to move and eat by himself.


"One month ago he moved his fingers, but no one believed that he will ever recover from the coma. After the encephalograms the doctors realized that he has chances to recover. Now there are chances to move the right side, too. He is not anymore connected at the machines, but we have to be patient, he needs will, I think he needs the support of hid friends from now on".

If he didn’t need money until now, but only divine help, from now on he needs money for physiotherapy and recovery, massage and everything he needs in this situation. He didn’t move for such a long time and he has pains even when he moves a hand.

When I saw him today I had a shock because he lost very much weight, but it is a nice surprise that he moves which means he is alive. The haematoma was resolved from the brain and one week ago he was moved from intensive therapy", explained Rasoveanu, the doctor of the team Pandurii.

Florin Rasoveanu said that he was also impressed by the football player’s wife, Ioana, who stayed day and night in the hospital. "She stayed there 24 hours a day in order to see him for 2 minutes because she wasn’t allowed to stay with him more than that. She always believed he would recover. She had faith he will recover, I think that only God and she believed that he will recover from the coma, because the doctors were not trustful anymore.", added the doctor of the team.
You can see the story of the accident


Contacted on the phone, Ioana Dossey, who is still at the hospital, said that she was trustful that her husband would recover and she thanks the doctors who cared him: "I think it is not true what people say about doctors, they made everything to save him and now I realize that everything they made really mattered. I thank to everybody, from the simplest employer to the doctors from this hospital. I also thank to Mr. president Condescu from Pandurii because he is alongside us."

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