Florin Costea stays 8 months for a hack which the referee didn't see!

Florin Costea, Costea, Craiova
Florin Costea, Costea, Craiova

Articol de - Publicat miercuri, 24 martie 2010 00:00

Florin Costea received yesterday terrible news: he has to stay at least 8 months outside the ground
You can see here the moment when Florin Costea got injured! (video)

Shock at Craiova: Florin Costea has fracture of crossed and collateral ligaments at the left knee, too, and it is possible to be affected the meniscus! The verdict was given by the doctors from the Hospital "Sf. Ioan" from Bucharest, where the forward of Craiova made yesterday morning a medical check after the injury suffered at the end of the first half from the match with Poli Iaşi (2-1). In these conditions, Costea will stay outside the ground at least 8 months, but it is not excluded that the period of inactivity to be even bigger! The player from Dinamo Florin Bratu has got through a similar situation and he didn’t play more than one year.

Mititelu cried on the phone
The leaders, the coaches and Florin’s team-mates have been shocked by the news they received. Asked by GSP TV to comment the information, Adrian Mititelu couldn’t utter any word. He burst into tears, than he hung u the phone! The sponsor of Craiova is desperate from two reasons: Wotte’s team has lost the best player in the attempt of avoiding the degradation, and the club has missed a potential source of income, in the conditions in which Costea could be sold this summer.

"The Brilliant" of Craiova is the second football player who suffered such a serious injury. The right defender Ovidiu Dănănae injured last year in August in the friendly match of the national team with Hungary and it is possible to return in April. This happens after a total break of 8 months!

"I am really sorry for Florin, but he is young and I am sure that he will return even more powerful on the ground. I hope God will help him to get over this moment."
ALEXANDRU DEACONU, the referee of the match U Craiova - Poli Iaşi

"I am shocked, I cannot believe this! I have never injured anyone in my entire career, I really avoid to enter with the thenar forward, as many goalkeepers used to make"

CRISTIAN BRĂNEŢ, goalkeeper Poli Iaşi

"I have seen many times the phase and I think that I have also touched the ball, but it was not on purpose! I will call Florin to apologize myself and encourage him"
CRISTIAN BRĂNEŢ, goalkeeper Poli Iaşi

"An injury more serious than that suffered by Florin we can hardly imagine!"
EMIL SĂNDOI, former coach U Craiova

"It seems that he needs a transplant of crossed ligaments. The break which Costea must have is of at least 6 months, he could play again at normal parameters after 7-8 months"
DORU FILIPESCU, chief of the Orthopedics Ward of the Hospital "Sf. Ioan"

46 goals in 106 matches has Florin Costea in League 1

50.000 dollars paid Craiova for Costea in January 2006, when they bought him from CSM Rm. Vîlcea

4 million euro would have offer FC Koln for Costea, a transfer proposal refused by Mititelu

3 injuries has suffered Costea in his career: the fracture of the right  forearm, fracture of crossed ligaments and the injury of the meniscus from the right knee

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