Gigi Becali: "Istvan Kovacs didn't give us the penalty because he is Hungarian!" :X

Gigi Becali, Becali, Steaua
Gigi Becali, Becali, Steaua

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 23 februarie 2010 00:00

The sponsor of Steaua, Gigi Becali, has spoken about the arbitration mistakes from the matches Steaua - Ceahlăul and Dinamo - Universitatea Craiova.

"Augustus should receive eight hour of suspension, in order to be sent the warning: 'Obey our orders so that CFR may take the championship!'

"Istvan Kovacs had to discuss with the two captains and stay three minutes on the ground, with the teams, and not to go at the locker rooms. We even had a clear penalty kick! We really trusted Kovacs, but he demonstrated that he is patriot with respect to him Hungarians. He didn’t give the penalty because he is Hungarian! :X I also congratulate Tudor for being a real Romanian and for not having given a penalty to CFR in the match against us", declared also Gigi Becali at sptfm.

The sponsor of Steaua, Gigi Becali, has spoken about the arbitration mistakes from the matches Steaua - Ceahlăul and Dinamo - Universitatea Craiova.

"Augustus should receive eight hour of suspension, in order to be sent the warning: 'Obey our orders so that CFR may take the championship!'

" Istvan Kovacs had to discuss with the two captains and stay three minutes on the ground, with the teams, and not to go at the locker rooms. We even had a clear penalty kick! We really trusted Kovacs, but he demonstrated that he is patriot with respect to him Hungarians. He didn’t give the penalty because he is Hungarian! :X I also congratulate Tudor for being a real Romanian and for not having given a penalty to CFR in the match against us", declared also Gigi Becali at sptfm.

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