Articol de Dan Udrea - Publicat luni, 24 mai 2010 00:00
Becali sees in Piţi the only solution to get over the deep crisis in which Steaua has been sinking in the last two seasons.
The championship is over; the team is in holiday, but from today starts the reconstruction of the new project Steaua. Until the end of the week, Gigi Becali is waiting for Victor Piţurcă’s decisive answer in order to be able to present him officially and to start the work.
There is also a plan B
"If I told you that I am sure he will come in a proportion of 500 percent, than so will be. He wants to come, I want to take him. Until Friday, Saturday, I hope I will have a clear answer", declared yesterday Becali, who has also a reserve variant if he has a negative answer: "If Piţi does not come, I have also plan B. But I won’t reveal it for the moment".
Just like 10 years ago
Gigi does not accept a negative answer from Piţurcă and he announced that he will let him to make all the decisions at the club: collaborators, sold players, bought players. As a matter-of-fact, all those from Ghencea hope the history from 10 years ago to repeat. Just like now, Piţi took the team at that time in a disastrous situation and only after one year and a half he was bringing the title.
Petre Marin stays
Another proof that Piţurcă will decide everything in Ghencea is the fact that one of the players whom Gigi Becali had announced that he would dismiss, Petre Marin, will continue to play at Steaua. "Piţi told me that he needs him, so he stays. I have told you that Piţurcă will decide everything", declared Becali.
"I will make a decision in two or three says"
Victor Piţurcă didn’t go at the party of Universitatea after the victory with Oţelul, which took place at a restaurant from Craiova. More than that, yesterday, Piţi left from Craiova without discussing with Mititelu and he returned in Bucharest. He called his collaborators whom he will make a team and he announced them: "In maximum two-three days I will tell you exactly where we will go".
How he saved Steaua 10 years ago
- he took the team when this was, between the turn and the return 1999-2000, on the 7th place, at 24 points behind the leader Dinamo
- the team had a negative goal-average, 36-37, having lost in the turn, with Ienei as coach, even with 4-0
- he brought the team on the 3rd place at the end of that championship
- in the next season, 2000-2001, he managed to win the championship with two laps before the end
What is Steaua now
- he would take the team after two seasons completely failed: the 6th place last year, the 4th place this year
- Steaua encashed 36 goals, the last time when it received more being on that season, 1999-2000
- the spectators abandoned Steaua, on this season being registered the lowest audience in Ghencea, the average being a little bit over 7.000
"If they negotiate with Piţurcă, then why do they discuss about my staying? They shall take Piţurcă. I am never an emergency solution"
Mihai Stoichiţă, yesterday
Becali criticized "Lippi" at GSP TV
"I told him when he came at Steaua that it is a difficult team. He didn’t listen to me, he let the players to do whatever they want and they took him as a good boy. Stoichiţă made a serious mistake at this point"
"It is inadmissible that the players to be close to a fight at the trainings and Stoichiţă, a good boy, to turn his back to them. It is normal that the players love you"
"I tell you something, with the team which Steaua has now, Piţurcă could have taken the championship. I give this information in written"
"I won’t say yet to Stoichiţă to leave. I will keep him in stand-by because if Piţurcă refuses me, perhaps I will keep him as coach"
Stoichiţă: "Gigi, give me the money!"
Today, Mihai Stoichiţă will go to meet Gigi Becali, but the main topic won’t be about the possibility for him to coach in Ghencea in the next season, too. "Lippi" is very angry because he hasn’t received the salary as coach for several months. Stoichiţă signed in September last year until the end of the season, having a contract of 10.000 every month and a bonus of 100.000 euro if he had won the title.
"I am available for any team in the world, not only for those in Romania. I have offers from abroad, but nobody from League 1 looked for me"
Mihai Stoichiţă
Becali sees in Piţi the only solution to get over the deep crisis in which Steaua has been sinking in the last two seasons.
The championship is over; the team is in holiday, but from today starts the reconstruction of the new project Steaua. Until the end of the week, Gigi Becali is waiting for Victor Piţurcă’s decisive answer in order to be able to present him officially and to start the work.
There is also a plan B
"If I told you that I am sure he will come in a proportion of 500 percent, than so will be. He wants to come, I want to take him. Until Friday, Saturday, I hope I will have a clear answer", declared yesterday Becali, who has also a reserve variant if he has a negative answer: "If Piţi does not come, I have also plan B. But I won’t reveal it for the moment".
Just like 10 years ago
Gigi does not accept a negative answer from Piţurcă and he announced that he will let him to make all the decisions at the club: collaborators, sold players, bought players. As a matter-of-fact, all those from Ghencea hope the history from 10 years ago to repeat. Just like now, Piţi took the team at that time in a disastrous situation and only after one year and a half he was bringing the title.
Petre Marin stays
Another proof that Piţurcă will decide everything in Ghencea is the fact that one of the players whom Gigi Becali had announced that he would dismiss, Petre Marin, will continue to play at Steaua. "Piţi told me that he needs him, so he stays. I have told you that Piţurcă will decide everything", declared Becali.
"I will make a decision in two or three says"
Victor Piţurcă didn’t go at the party of Universitatea after the victory with Oţelul, which took place at a restaurant from Craiova. More than that, yesterday, Piţi left from Craiova without discussing with Mititelu and he returned in Bucharest. He called his collaborators whom he will make a team and he announced them: "In maximum two-three days I will tell you exactly where we will go".
How he saved Steaua 10 years ago
- he took the team when this was, between the turn and the return 1999-2000, on the 7th place, at 24 points behind the leader Dinamo
- the team had a negative goal-average, 36-37, having lost in the turn, with Ienei as coach, even with 4-0
- he brought the team on the 3rd place at the end of that championship
- in the next season, 2000-2001, he managed to win the championship with two laps before the end
What is Steaua now
- he would take the team after two seasons completely failed: the 6th place last year, the 4th place this year
- Steaua encashed 36 goals, the last time when it received more being on that season, 1999-2000
- the spectators abandoned Steaua, on this season being registered the lowest audience in Ghencea, the average being a little bit over 7.000
"If they negotiate with Piţurcă, then why do they discuss about my staying? They shall take Piţurcă. I am never an emergency solution"
Mihai Stoichiţă, yesterday
Becali criticized "Lippi" at GSP TV
"I told him when he came at Steaua that it is a difficult team. He didn’t listen to me, he let the players to do whatever they want and they took him as a good boy. Stoichiţă made a serious mistake at this point"
"It is inadmissible that the players to be close to a fight at the trainings and Stoichiţă, a good boy, to turn his back to them. It is normal that the players love you"
"I tell you something, with the team which Steaua has now, Piţurcă could have taken the championship. I give this information in written"
"I won’t say yet to Stoichiţă to leave. I will keep him in stand-by because if Piţurcă refuses me, perhaps I will keep him as coach"
Stoichiţă: "Gigi, give me the money!"
Today, Mihai Stoichiţă will go to meet Gigi Becali, but the main topic won’t be about the possibility for him to coach in Ghencea in the next season, too. "Lippi" is very angry because he hasn’t received the salary as coach for several months. Stoichiţă signed in September last year until the end of the season, having a contract of 10.000 every month and a bonus of 100.000 euro if he had won the title.
"I am available for any team in the world, not only for those in Romania. I have offers from abroad, but nobody from League 1 looked for me"
Mihai Stoichiţă

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