Iuliu Mureşan: "All the bad things are coming from Bucharest"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 31 martie 2010 00:00

Mureşan rejected emphatic the trick accusations at the match Braşov - CFR Cluj, 0-1, declaring himself surprised that such suppositions appeared.

"They are stupid, they are jug heads, who have nothing to do with reality and with us. I have seen that it is said that Braşov didn’t use 5 players. And we changed 5 players. During a championship you have to roll the players. But you can do this thing only if you have a competitive team. The accusations are coming from Bucharest, just like from Bucharest are coming all the bad things all over the country", ended Mureşan.

Mureşan rejected emphatic the trick accusations at the match Braşov - CFR Cluj, 0-1, declaring himself surprised that such suppositions appeared.

"They are stupid, they are jug heads, who have nothing to do with reality and with us. I have seen that it is said that Braşov didn’t use 5 players. And we changed 5 players. During a championship you have to roll the players. But you can do this thing only if you have a competitive team. The accusations are coming from Bucharest, just like from Bucharest are coming all the bad things all over the country", ended Mureşan.

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