Piţurcă managed to turn a 0-1 match» Stancu + Surdu + Onicaş

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 01 august 2010 00:00

Red-blues returned the result by Stancu and Surdu, but they took advantage of huge mistake of assistent of Zalau, who canceled a valid goal of Mihai Costea.

Lot of promises, lot of prides from one side and the other, a full stadium wasn't as long as yesterday promised a total war in Ghencea. And the game starts intensly: in minute 3, Dorel, the footballer with fresh red-blue card, failed "to rift" Craiova's heart. It's just a flame. Suddenly, Steaua siege die off fourth hour, on the net stretched by the opponent at midfield.


Piturca's nervous Tiki-taka

Banel lose nearly five balls in the first ten minutes. Dorel, closing midfielder, doesn't stick some slip, just play safely. The only one who wants "to step" is Radut. But he is too enthusiastivs and neither him can make good combinations. On the edge, Piturca flutter. He kicks as if he wants to show to Tanase how to pass. He make a air strikes at an upside missed intervention of Stancu. It seems like he says: "Like this, tiki-taka."

The obstacle Ciuca

Tanase understand, gives a "ladder", Stancu (19) dribble Ivanov. He's alone, but pull apart... And "break". Craiova isn't out of game: lon passes to little Costea or to Dina. They would handle. Gargunov is the only who flutter. Steaua pant again. Abrudan (31) sends with the head, Lung is a spectator, but Ciuca pull off the ball on his way to the gate. And Gaman stops Stancu at 4 meters (39).

Season mistake: Onicas

At six minutes after the break, Costea beat a corner, Iliev enter like a bomb on Steaua square, throw out Geraldo and make silence on Ghencea. 0-1. Hits below the waterline, Piturca's warship falter. Mihai Costea (57) turns round the massive Abrudan, makes 2-0 and induce all the stadium. Ticlaneau stops him, with his hands in his head: "He gave offside!". Onicas signed a elsewhere offsideat Barboianu, who is thrown to push deeper the ball into the gate. Craiova is down. They don't understand anything.

Red-blue forcing

Steaua rushed like a wild beast who smells blood. He equalized after ten minutes by Stancu (67). Lung stops the disaster ahead the "torpedo" of Banel (74). An opponent falls near gate, Craiova asks the turnoff of the game, but Latovlevici shoots from 35 meters, bar! and Surdu, on stage, made 2-1, throwing air the stadium. With the last reserves of pride, Craiova has given some emotions on Ghencea. But only that. Last night, Steaua was too strong. He had not only the 12th player, the audience, but also the 13th, ont totally unexpected: the assistant, Ioan Onicas.


Radut captured the stands

The midfielder Mihai Radut (20 years) had a special welcome when he appeared on the lawn. Supporters have called his name and have displayed a banner reading "Born to the colors red-blue: Mihai Radut. the footballer captured the supporters when, after the end of the match with U Cluj he chanted along the gallery, against rivals Dinamo, then the statements in exclusive interview for Gazeta in which he confessed "I want to score against Dinamo.

Zapata argued by supporters

Steaua fans have displayed a banner of support for goalkeeper Robinson Zapata (31 years). "For us number one is Rufay!" message was written by supporters. Colombian goalkeeper was passed on dead line and put on transfer list after three years of holding the gate of Steaua.

Kapetanos at mass media

Pantelis Kapetanos striker is recovering after the injury that kept him on the bar in the start of the season, but Victor Piturca did not stop even in the squad because Greek is not yet in place with physical training. Kapetanos came to match with his son, who was wearing a shirt of Steaua, and watched the game from the press table. Kape will be fit for the next round meeting with Brasov.

Ovation for Ienei

The new president of Steaua, Emeric Iene, has had an extraordinary reception in Ghencea. Although it came 30 minutes before game start, the former glory of the red-blue was applauded by the whole stadium. "Iene, first class symbol of Steaua, we met with a warm <Welcome home!>", fans have posted on a banner.



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