Real Madrid is number one! They won the first edition of Talent Cup!

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 13 august 2010 00:00

Real Madrid won the competition organized at Constanta with maximum points. Hagi's Academy drew 2-2 against Barcelona and finished in second place.

Real Madrid was the best team at "Talent Cup". "The Whites" finished the tournament in first place with three victories in three matches. The last succes was a 2-0 victory over Galatasaray, scorers Emre Ozer (own goal) and Raya. Hagi's Academy produced a spectacular game against Barcelona.

Gavra scored first for the Romanians, but the Spanish took advantage after Cruyff's goal and Medesan's own goal. Iancu made it 2-2 from penalty in the last minutes of the game and offered his team the second place. The Catalans weren't hepled by Johann Cruyff's grandchild goal because they finished in fourth place.

Besides the final table and the trophy awarded to Real, the organizers gave individual prizes to the best players:
Best player: Francisco Pastor Bautista (Real Madrid)
Top Goalscorer: Cristian Gavra (Hagi's Academy), 2 goals 
Best goalkeeper: Alperen Uysal (Galatasaray)
Best defender: Ivan Saez Jimenez (Barcelona)

Brothers with "The Giants"

The children of Hagi's Academy played against three big teams of Europe and they kept a good relationship. "Our teams will go to Madrid, to Barcelona, to Istanbul. We will have more projects with the Turks because they are closer. It will be like a twining", said Gică Hagi. David Tristan, Real Madrid's coach, was impressed: "There are clubs in Primera who haven't got conditions like here! I didn't think that I could find something like this!"

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