Stoichiţă changes half of the team for CFR! » Revolution!

Artiom Karamian, Karamian, Steaua
Artiom Karamian, Karamian, Steaua

Articol de - Publicat luni, 22 februarie 2010 00:00

The coach prepares five modifications in comparison to the formula that lost against Ceahlăul

The outrageous failure with Ceahlăul (1-3) makes victims in all the compartments. Criticized and pressed for the sponsor, but also for the supporters, Mihai Stoichiţă prepares another team for the derby with CFR Cluj, from next weekend. "Lippi" will change five players from the basis formula!

The first one who loses the title place is Zapata. The Columbian produced the goal of 2-1 scored by Ceahlăul, with a shot straight to Vasilache, and he is with the moral down. "He came to me in the locker room and he apologized, he was played out", told Stoichiţă. The coach tried to cheer him up, but in the next lap he will title Tătăruşanu.

There will remain two defenders
On the defensive side, only Golanski and Jelev keep their positions. Although he was seriously criticized after the official debut at Steaua, the Bulgarian will stay in the start team", in the couple with Alexandru Tudose. The defender of 23 years old draws Baciu out from the team. Another change on the defensive side: Artiom Karamian will play on the left side instead of the veteran Petre Marin (36 years old).

Toja or Tănase
"I accept to play with two stopper only against big teams!", said Becali. Pleşan and Ovidiu Petre will make a couple in the centre of the median line also at Cluj. Stoichiţă will chose for the left side between Toja and Tănase, taking into consideration that on the opposite side will evolve Szekely. Among them, the Columbian has bigger chances to play. The former player from FC Argeş won’t be present on the ground not even on the offensive side, where he was used recently, because Bogdan Stancu will be preferred instead.   

"It is normal that Mihai should think about another formula for the match with CFR, because otherwise we will have big problems!"
Gigi Becali, sponsor at Steaua

Becali’s arguments:
- "Zapata has made serious mistakes, he has to let Tătăruşanu in his place!"
- "It is impossible to take the championship with Baciu and Petre Marin. They should be in the team, but not to play as titles!"
- "Tănase won’t be again the second forward! If he didn’t play, we could have defeated Ceahlăul with 4-0"
- "Nicoliţă has taken the yellow cards from a nonsense. He could have avoided this thing"

The team from the match with Ceahlăul

Zapata - Golanski, E. Baciu, Jelev, P. Marin - Szekely, Ov. Petre, Pleşan, Nicoliţă - Cr. Tănase, Kapetanos

The team from the match with CFR
TĂTĂRUŞANU - Golanski, TUDOSE, Jelev, ART. KARAMIAN - Szekely, Ov. Petre, Pleşan, TOJA - B. STANCU, Kapetanos

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