The gendarmery says that the fans from Dinamo are innocent: "The gallery was accompanied by a crew"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 05 mai 2009 00:00

The spokesman of the Gendarmery, Marius Teodorescu, explained at GSPTV why the touring car of Steaua was not escorted by a crew on their way to Buzău and he excluded the hypothesis that the members of the gallery Dinamo would be the authors of the attack with rocks after which the Polish Pawel Golanski had his head broken:

"Steaua didn’t make an official request, that is why they didn’t have anyone from the Gendarmery alongside.
We usually try to find the tracks where the crews will go, but now we couldn’t. We hope to find the aggressors as soon as possible and put in comfort the real supporters. I don’t know where were going those who threw with rocks.  

We do not worry that this kind of incidents will repeat again on Friday derby; I hope that real fans will understand that they have to be civilized on the field and outside it. The fans from Dinamo were accompanied by a Gendarmery crew, so it is excluded that any fan from Dinamo could have thrown with rocks in the touring car of Steaua. This incident affected the honor of all the Romanians, especially that a foreign citizen has been hit", said Marius Teodorescu at GSPTV.

The spokesman of the Gendarmery, Marius Teodorescu, explained at GSPTV why the touring car of Steaua was not escorted by a crew on their way to Buzău and he excluded the hypothesis that the members of the gallery Dinamo would be the authors of the attack with rocks after which the Polish Pawel Golanski had his head broken:

"Steaua didn’t make an official request, that is why they didn’t have anyone from the Gendarmery alongside.
We usually try to find the tracks where the crews will go, but now we couldn’t. We hope to find the aggressors as soon as possible and put in comfort the real supporters. I don’t know where were going those who threw with rocks.  

We do not worry that this kind of incidents will repeat again on Friday derby; I hope that real fans will understand that they have to be civilized on the field and outside it. The fans from Dinamo were accompanied by a Gendarmery crew, so it is excluded that any fan from Dinamo could have thrown with rocks in the touring car of Steaua. This incident affected the honor of all the Romanians, especially that a foreign citizen has been hit", said Marius Teodorescu at GSPTV.

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