Urziceni drew against Rangers and is close to qualify


Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 05 noiembrie 2009 00:00

The last night draw allows the champions from Urziceni to dream about the European spring. Dan Petrescu’s heroes remain on the second place.

The euro-goal scored by Onofraş repaired the mistake by Arlauskis, and the champions are dreaming about the "eights" of the League

"We won’t win any point in the League!", was Petrescu’s shock-message to his players at the beginning of the week.

This thing didn’t amaze the "wolves", who swore that they would make at least a draw in the return match with Rangers. The absolute victory from the turn, 4-1, gave them serious reasons to contradict their coach.

Galamaz and the co. started the match in force, and the occasions of goal flew quickly at the adverse goalpost. With the only difference that the efficiency they had in the match played two weeks ago missed last night.

Varga and Frunză ran a lot
The lateral midfielders from Unirea Urziceni defeated the Scots defenders. In turn, Dacian Varga and Sorin Frunză dominated absolutely the football players of the legendary Walter Smith, but their shots have been hardly holed by McGregor.

The goalkeeper from Glasgow was very close to receive an anthological goal, but Onofraş’ tracing point, from 40 meters, passed by a hair-breadth over the goalpost. On the other side, the British have rarely reached Arlauskis’ goalpost, only Thompson and Miller have stirred the Lithuanian pulses.

The last night draw allows the champions from Urziceni to dream about the European spring. Dan Petrescu’s heroes remain on the second place.

The euro-goal scored by Onofraş repaired the mistake by Arlauskis, and the champions are dreaming about the "eights" of the League

"We won’t win any point in the League!", was Petrescu’s shock-message to his players at the beginning of the week.

This thing didn’t amaze the "wolves", who swore that they would make at least a draw in the return match with Rangers. The absolute victory from the turn, 4-1, gave them serious reasons to contradict their coach.

Galamaz and the co. started the match in force, and the occasions of goal flew quickly at the adverse goalpost. With the only difference that the efficiency they had in the match played two weeks ago missed last night.

Varga and Frunză ran a lot
The lateral midfielders from Unirea Urziceni defeated the Scots defenders. In turn, Dacian Varga and Sorin Frunză dominated absolutely the football players of the legendary Walter Smith, but their shots have been hardly holed by McGregor.

The goalkeeper from Glasgow was very close to receive an anthological goal, but Onofraş’ tracing point, from 40 meters, passed by a hair-breadth over the goalpost. On the other side, the British have rarely reached Arlauskis’ goalpost, only Thompson and Miller have stirred the Lithuanian pulses.

"Thank you, Marius!"
In the second half, Petrescu’s champions seemed to be pleased with the draw. When everything seemed to flow to a score of 0-0 which could qualify them in the spring of Europe League, Arlauskis (79) miscalculated the shot from McCulloch’s 25th kilometer and 15.000 souls have been shocked: 0-1. Anyway, the big heart of the little team from Bărăgan started to play again in force, and Onofraş (88) invented an execution for Champions League spring. 1-1, and they sill have chances.

"I have never seen a Romanian team to play with such a determination. The team is sensational; it has a remarkable fight spirit. It is not normal to be treated like this in the internal competition"

  MIHAI STOICA, general manager Urziceni

"When we received the goal, I thought that we missed an extraordinary performance. The wish to demonstrate that we are a good team made us return"
MARIUS BILAŞCO, forward Urziceni

"Unirea was lucky; the group in which it got is quite weak. The thing that surprises me is the draw made by Stuttgart at Sevilla, it is a strange result"
DINU GHEORGHE, President FC Braşov

"We lost two points, it is frustrating! We had many occasions and we deserved to win. We thank the public. We will defeat Sevilla!"
SORIN FRUNZĂ, midfielder Urziceni

"In the 60th minute, I said to my wife that we would see a draw: 1-1. Unirea was not at all inferior to Rangers, it wasted a lot of energy, it deserves to qualify "

MIRCEA SANDU, the president FRF

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Comentarii (1)
 •  06 Noiembrie 2009, 19:37

frumos articol! RESPECT UNIREA! RESPECT DAN PETRESCU! felicitari!

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