Costly: "I will do my best for Vaslui! Only I could block myself in the way to the World Championship!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 26 aprilie 2010 00:00

The forward from FC Vaslui, Carlo Costly, is considered by the sub-editors of the famous publication World Soccer as the most interesting player which the national team of Honduras brings in the limelight in the World Championship from South Africa.

"If I shine just as my father did at the World Championship from Spain, I will be very happy. The team from 1982 made proud the whole country and only the bad luck made us not to pass the group phase. I am honored that I wear this name and I am conscious that I must work a lot to have the value of the T-shirt I wear.

I will make everything for Honduras, even if I spent my childhood in Mexico. The only one that can hold me from being present at the World Championship is me. I will do my best in order to profit of the chances I have at Vaslui!", says Costly in World Soccer.

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