The title, deported in Bărăgan?

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 25 mai 2009 00:00

Unirea Urziceni scored quickly, then they dominated tactically a  weak team  with no solutions.

Before the proper derby, there was the derby of the tickets. The atmosphere became electric, Dinamo’s gallery conquered a quarter of the stadium, and Gheorghe Nedelescu, the observer of the match, seemed to be a kind of Kutuzov on the battle field, always arranging army in a different way.

The derby without the wickets, the one with the ball, started in the field direction. The players from Urziceni were attacking in that part. With Varga and Bălan, the boys from Sportul, some kind of false wings and with Bilaşco as a winner in all the overhead tilts, either it was about Moţi or Lucian Goian. Galamaz missed his blow in front of the goalpost, after Dolha made a mistake (10). Apostol and Pădureţu were fighting in the middle of the field, Brandan, who was very good yesterday, wad always playing on the left side, and Dinamo was hardly coping with the situation.

Varga made slaloms on the right side (26), he changed quickly with Bilaşco, he reveiced again the ball, Simao made otitis, the  player with number nine who came from Regie shot and Dolha drew the ball out of the goalpost. After a few minutes, the goalkeeper from Dinamo has hardly drawn out the free kick of the same Varga, and the sense seemed to be unique. To the field, just to the field.

Across, at the goalpost near the highroad (in the small villages, the room which is close to the road is the best room in the house), just a free kick of the "Prince" Cristea and a great opportunity, in the end, which belonged to Marius Niculae. With his head broken since the start of the match, "the Arrow" has sent slowly, from e good position, straight in Arlauskis’s arms.

Useless changes
Discontent, Rednic sent Niculescu instead of the frail Torje, "Danciu" moved in the middle, and Cristea went on the right side. Immediately after the break, with the lesion close now, Niculae hit the ball with the head and the Lithuanian from the goalpost of Urziceni has hardly drew out the ball. "Claugol" wasted a free kick (53), and Petrescu’s players endeavoured to maintain the play far away from their goalpost.

The middle of the field was very crowded; there were releases towards Bilaşco and a lot of intensity. Niculae missed again (57), the minutes were passing and Dinamo didn’t manage to do notable things. Rednic gave up then to Cristea’s royal blood, appealing to the goalkeeper Ze Kalanga. Pădureţu had a great muff (72), then Varga imitated him, and on the horizon, over the darkness of Bărăgan, the fireflies from Champions League were blinking. Dinamo has lost Simao, too, who was eliminated, and he is shaking because he doesn’t want to lose a title which he has already seen in his pocket.

Niculae played with the head broken
In the minute 7, Marius Niculae was the protagonist of a tough moment. He slid somewhere on the line of the adverse box, and Bruno Fernandes, trying to clear the ball, heated him violently with the knee and broke his head. "The Arrow" has received medical cares for two minutes, and he played with a huge bandage on his head. The forward from Dinamo continued to bleed intense and he had to go again on the border of the field to be seen by the doctor Liviu Bătineanu. (Eduard Apostol)

You can see here the classification from League 1, after 32 laps!

1. Unirea Urziceni - 66 points
2. Dinamo - 65 points
3. Poli Timişoara - 61 points
4. CFR Cluj - 58 points
5. U. Craiova - 56 points
6. Rapid - 54 points
7. Steaua - 52 points
8. FC Vaslui - 51 points


The 33rd lap:
Poli Timişoara - Unirea Urziceni
Dinamo - FC Braşov
FC Vaslui - Rapid
Steaua - U. Craiova
CFR Cluj - Pandurii

The 34th lap (the last one):
Unirea Urziceni - Steaua
FC Braşov - Poli Timişoara
U. Craiova - FC Vaslui
Rapid - Poli Iaşi
Gaz Metan - CFR Cluj

"Champions League is still far away, but our chances  grow from one match to another. In vain did we win today, if we don’t defeat Timişoara and Steaua. Nobody expected us to reach up to this point"
George Galamaz, Unirea Urziceni

I think Dinamo lost the championship! Anyway this is not a tragedy, because this thing is usual in football. Dinamo didn’t play at all, and Urziceni deserves to play in Champions League"

Dumitru Dragomir, the president from LPF

"We have taken an important option for the title, but we have a long way until that moment"
Tibi Bălan, Unirea Urziceni

“If we lose at Timișoara, everything is ruined!”
Mihai Stoica, manager at Unirea Urziceni

Unirea Urziceni scored quickly, then they dominated tactically a  weak team  with no solutions.

Before the proper derby, there was the derby of the tickets. The atmosphere became electric, Dinamo’s gallery conquered a quarter of the stadium, and Gheorghe Nedelescu, the observer of the match, seemed to be a kind of Kutuzov on the battle field, always arranging army in a different way.

The derby without the wickets, the one with the ball, started in the field direction. The players from Urziceni were attacking in that part. With Varga and Bălan, the boys from Sportul, some kind of false wings and with Bilaşco as a winner in all the overhead tilts, either it was about Moţi or Lucian Goian. Galamaz missed his blow in front of the goalpost, after Dolha made a mistake (10). Apostol and Pădureţu were fighting in the middle of the field, Brandan, who was very good yesterday, wad always playing on the left side, and Dinamo was hardly coping with the situation.

Varga made slaloms on the right side (26), he changed quickly with Bilaşco, he reveiced again the ball, Simao made otitis, the  player with number nine who came from Regie shot and Dolha drew the ball out of the goalpost. After a few minutes, the goalkeeper from Dinamo has hardly drawn out the free kick of the same Varga, and the sense seemed to be unique. To the field, just to the field.

Across, at the goalpost near the highroad (in the small villages, the room which is close to the road is the best room in the house), just a free kick of the "Prince" Cristea and a great opportunity, in the end, which belonged to Marius Niculae. With his head broken since the start of the match, "the Arrow" has sent slowly, from e good position, straight in Arlauskis’s arms.

Useless changes
Discontent, Rednic sent Niculescu instead of the frail Torje, "Danciu" moved in the middle, and Cristea went on the right side. Immediately after the break, with the lesion close now, Niculae hit the ball with the head and the Lithuanian from the goalpost of Urziceni has hardly drew out the ball. "Claugol" wasted a free kick (53), and Petrescu’s players endeavoured to maintain the play far away from their goalpost.

The middle of the field was very crowded; there were releases towards Bilaşco and a lot of intensity. Niculae missed again (57), the minutes were passing and Dinamo didn’t manage to do notable things. Rednic gave up then to Cristea’s royal blood, appealing to the goalkeeper Ze Kalanga. Pădureţu had a great muff (72), then Varga imitated him, and on the horizon, over the darkness of Bărăgan, the fireflies from Champions League were blinking. Dinamo has lost Simao, too, who was eliminated, and he is shaking because he doesn’t want to lose a title which he has already seen in his pocket.

Niculae played with the head broken
In the minute 7, Marius Niculae was the protagonist of a tough moment. He slid somewhere on the line of the adverse box, and Bruno Fernandes, trying to clear the ball, heated him violently with the knee and broke his head. "The Arrow" has received medical cares for two minutes, and he played with a huge bandage on his head. The forward from Dinamo continued to bleed intense and he had to go again on the border of the field to be seen by the doctor Liviu Bătineanu. (Eduard Apostol)

You can see here the classification from League 1, after 32 laps!

1. Unirea Urziceni - 66 points
2. Dinamo - 65 points
3. Poli Timişoara - 61 points
4. CFR Cluj - 58 points
5. U. Craiova - 56 points
6. Rapid - 54 points
7. Steaua - 52 points
8. FC Vaslui - 51 points


The 33rd lap:
Poli Timişoara - Unirea Urziceni
Dinamo - FC Braşov
FC Vaslui - Rapid
Steaua - U. Craiova
CFR Cluj - Pandurii

The 34th lap (the last one):
Unirea Urziceni - Steaua
FC Braşov - Poli Timişoara
U. Craiova - FC Vaslui
Rapid - Poli Iaşi
Gaz Metan - CFR Cluj

"Champions League is still far away, but our chances  grow from one match to another. In vain did we win today, if we don’t defeat Timişoara and Steaua. Nobody expected us to reach up to this point"
George Galamaz, Unirea Urziceni

"I think Dinamo lost the championship! Anyway this is not a tragedy, because this thing is usual in football. Dinamo didn’t play at all, and Urziceni deserves to play in Champions League"
Dumitru Dragomir, the president from LPF

"We have taken an important option for the title, but we have a long way until that moment"
Tibi Bălan, Unirea Urziceni

“If we lose at Timișoara, everything is ruined!”
Mihai Stoica, manager at Unirea Urziceni

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