"Mutu got used with the hoots from Ghencea, he won't be affected at the match with Croatia"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 07 ianuarie 2009 00:00

The general director from FRF, Ionuţ Lupescu, declared, on Wednesday, to the agency NewsIn, that he is not afraid of the reaction which the supporters had on the stadium Steaua with respect to Mutu, at the match with Croatia, because he is already used with ironies of the fans from Ghencea.

"We have chosen the stadium Steaua for the match with Croatia because it is the only stadium in the country which has subsurface heating, and on February 11th it will be cold and it is possible to be snow. Mutu played in Ghencea with the national team, with Russia, Belarus and Muntenegru, so he is used with the supporters, anyway there weren’t important problems and he won’t be affected", said Lupescu.

the source NewsIn


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