Comentarii (7)
steaua1986forever  •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 12:11

Ce articol ..... nu am cuvinte sa il caracterizez.

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 11:59
Postat de pe 14 Ianuarie 2010, 09:04

the article says that he earned 22.000 a year at LA Galaxy but only 9.000 when he arrived there. I sort of doubt it too but I don't know much about the system in the MLS

Este adevarat. It's true. Am fost in sistem si stiu ce si cum se maninca. Daca ai PILE bune, good contacts, you'll end up in the DRAFT right after college, if not, you'll end up in a team in second division semi-pro. The semi-pro leagues struggle, 1 year they are alive the next year they dissolve. Also, there are players that make the SuperPooper Draft, but the MLS teams send the players to a team in 2nd division semi-pro, once a spot is open they call the player back. Soccer is a Choke in USA.

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 11:52
Postat de pe 14 Ianuarie 2010, 07:59

Get real.Does anyone honestly think that someone will play for the MLS for only $9000 a year. That is below the poverty level and shows how inaccurate and ridiculous this so called article is.

It's trut you dueshbag. The first 1-3 seasons the MLS players coming out college or from that retarded "SuperDooperPooper DRAFT of the WORLD", they live in apartments HOTEL STYLE, 2 in a room. A bunch of article were written about the ridiculous salary difference, that some players get vs. some random college kid full of contacts that just got into MLS.

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 09:04

*20.000 my bad

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 09:04

the article says that he earned 22.000 a year at LA Galaxy but only 9.000 when he arrived there. I sort of doubt it too but I don't know much about the system in the MLS

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 08:43

Oare de unde a scos ziaristul amator suma de 9000 $. Este imposibil asa ceva...poate 90.000.Cu 9000 nu se poate trai in LA nici pe strazi....

 •  14 Ianuarie 2010, 07:59

Get real.Does anyone honestly think that someone will play for the MLS for only $9000 a year. That is below the poverty level and shows how inaccurate and ridiculous this so called article is.
