Comentarii (8)
Serban_radu.  •  08 Septembrie 2024, 20:49

Pensie de la parlament aia speciala pentru ce???? Pensie viagera sport??? Pai ce este Nadia, sau alt sportiv de marca care a contribuit pentru promovarea imaginii României?!?!?! Domnul milițian conducător la Victoria la Scornicești , unde a fost combinator la #meciuri se da și mare vedeta. Doamne cât de nesim....... poți sa fi sa te bucuri de banii contribuabililor bani pe care nu -meriți.

lefter_popescu  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 23:58

Nea Mitica se bătea cu cărămidă în piept ca nu ia un leu din cei 15.000 euro ( nemunciti) de la Liga. Acum spune ca din acel salariu 6000 cotiza la stat. Deci ne-a mințit nea Mitica.

Vardy.Party  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 16:53
Postat de username_2 pe 07 Septembrie 2024, 16:46

da, unuia ca Piotr ăsta nu i se va face „pr by gsp” numa lu alde Corleone pensionaru sau penibililor de la „health talks by gsp”...amu în cazu corleone sper că am dreptul să sper că nu va lua pensia prea mult timp, nu de alta da statul român e în faliment nedeclarat

From your lips to God’s ear… BTW: For me, you’re usename ONE. Just sayin’…

username_2  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 16:46
Postat de Vardy.Party pe 07 Septembrie 2024, 14:47

Meet the amazing Piotr Zieliński. At 30 years old, Piotr is a professional footballer, playing as a midfielder for Serie A club Inter Milan and representing the Polish national team. Recently, Piotr used his own funds to purchase and renovate two buildings, transforming them into children’s homes through the foundation he created, “Peter Pan” (Peter is Piotr in Polish). These homes now provide shelter and care for children from troubled backgrounds or families affected by alcohol or substance abuse. The homes are managed by Piotr’s own parents, and when he’s not on the pitch or representing Poland, Piotr frequently visits to spend time with the children under his foundation’s care. And perhaps most inspiring? He does it all quietly, without seeking attention—just working hard to make Poland a better place, one child at a time.

da, unuia ca Piotr ăsta nu i se va face „pr by gsp” numa lu alde Corleone pensionaru sau penibililor de la „health talks by gsp”...amu în cazu corleone sper că am dreptul să sper că nu va lua pensia prea mult timp, nu de alta da statul român e în faliment nedeclarat

camcam  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 15:55
Postat de Vardy.Party pe 07 Septembrie 2024, 14:47

Meet the amazing Piotr Zieliński. At 30 years old, Piotr is a professional footballer, playing as a midfielder for Serie A club Inter Milan and representing the Polish national team. Recently, Piotr used his own funds to purchase and renovate two buildings, transforming them into children’s homes through the foundation he created, “Peter Pan” (Peter is Piotr in Polish). These homes now provide shelter and care for children from troubled backgrounds or families affected by alcohol or substance abuse. The homes are managed by Piotr’s own parents, and when he’s not on the pitch or representing Poland, Piotr frequently visits to spend time with the children under his foundation’s care. And perhaps most inspiring? He does it all quietly, without seeking attention—just working hard to make Poland a better place, one child at a time.

aloo ciulnita...apreciem engleza ta dar totusi e un site romanesc

camcam  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 15:30

bravo gsp ule ... toti infractorii apar in articolele voastre ! cenzurati o si pe asta... credeam ca sunteti peste digi dport dar se pare ca m am inselat

Vardy.Party  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 14:47

Meet the amazing Piotr Zieliński. At 30 years old, Piotr is a professional footballer, playing as a midfielder for Serie A club Inter Milan and representing the Polish national team. Recently, Piotr used his own funds to purchase and renovate two buildings, transforming them into children’s homes through the foundation he created, “Peter Pan” (Peter is Piotr in Polish). These homes now provide shelter and care for children from troubled backgrounds or families affected by alcohol or substance abuse. The homes are managed by Piotr’s own parents, and when he’s not on the pitch or representing Poland, Piotr frequently visits to spend time with the children under his foundation’s care. And perhaps most inspiring? He does it all quietly, without seeking attention—just working hard to make Poland a better place, one child at a time.

polistul68  •  07 Septembrie 2024, 11:40

Acest personaj de.trista amintire, uita sa spuna ca el a lucrat la.stat toata viata...el nu a lucrat in mediul.privat nici macar un minut. Si cum bugetarii traiesc din banii luati de la.privati...el a.platit, se.lauda amice, noi am.platit si tu ai luat, si iei si acum...mare om, mare caracter.
