Comentarii (3)
caineadevarat  •  10 Mai 2017, 15:33

incident=eveniment spui incident neplacut e ca si cum ai spune ca lucrezi pentru motanul felix,*** ***

Acest comentariu a fost moderat deoarece continea limbaj vulgar sau jignitor.

Gabriel Bratu  •  10 Mai 2017, 15:19

Numai ieri ce a spus, la o alta gala unde a primit un premiu: “My goal is to be thought of one day in the same way as these players. They are legends. You define the success of a player by his loyalty or his titles. Or both. In order to be part of this group, I have so much to do. “I want to win titles. Five years is my new contract…it gives me that opportunity.” Nu pleaca nicaieri, ar trebui sa va informati inainte sa faceti articole de acest gen. Pura dezinformare este acest articol, asta nu e jurnalism.

dinamo_fan  •  10 Mai 2017, 15:06

alt jucator umflat.
