Comentarii (3)
gheorghitagoga  •  27 Decembrie 2011, 15:33

Krasnojan asta, a fost dat afara dupa meciul cu Anji, care ar fi fost trucat! S-a speculat ca el va ajunge la Machachkala si ca sa vezi - SURPRIZA

gheorghitagoga  •  27 Decembrie 2011, 15:31

June 2 evening, the press reports have appeared that Smorodsky intends to dismiss Yuri Krasnozhan allegedly for taking the match 11-round championship of Russia Makhachkala "Anji" (1:2).Moreover, according to sources, immediately after the game coach Lokomotiv were invited to undergo lie-detector test, the results of which it was decided to part with a specialist. any comments on this from the very Smorodsky and other members of the Board of Directors if not followed, but on June 6, was scheduled an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors of the club. Guide Lokomotiv spent the whole day in thought and consultation, after which it was announced that Krasnozhan sacked

marknopfler2002  •  27 Decembrie 2011, 14:42

zici cai porcu de muresan photoshopat !
