Comentarii (5)
MaxiP  •  22 Iunie 2024, 09:51
Postat de RegeleMihail pe 21 Iunie 2024, 18:29

okay, deci dacă România pierde cu Belgia și toate fac egal în ultima etapă, cine vine mai departe?

Depinde de scorul cu care castiga Belgia. Daca castiga la un gol, mergem noi si slovacii sigur. Daca castiga la 2 goluri diferenta, mergem noi si ei sigur. Daca castiga la 3 diferenta, merg ei si depinde de alte criterii daca cu noi si slovacii sigur. In orice situatie de genul, Ucraina termina ultima in grupa, deci foarte probabil merg Belgia, Romania si Slovacia mai departe.

JanosHorvath07  •  21 Iunie 2024, 19:39
Postat de gabytzu88 pe 21 Iunie 2024, 19:04

De pe site-ul UEFA How teams are split when level on points If two or more teams in the same group are equal on points on completion of the final tournament group stage, the following criteria are applied, in the order given, to determine their rankings: a. higher number of points obtained in the matches played among the teams in question b. superior goal difference resulting from the matches played among the teams in question c. higher number of goals scored in the matches played among the teams in question d. if, after having applied criteria a) to c), teams still have an equal ranking, criteria a) to c) are reapplied exclusively to the matches between the remaining teams to determine their final rankings. If this procedure does not lead to a decision, criteria e) to i) apply in the order given to the two or more teams still equal e. superior goal difference in all group matches f. higher number of goals scored in all group matches g. lower disciplinary points total based only on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in all group matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points) h. position in the overall European Qualifiers rankings, or if Germany, the host association team, is involved in the comparison, drawing of lots If two teams which have the same number of points and the same number of goals scored and conceded play their last group match against each other and are still

Exact, Gabitzule. "higher number of points obtained in the matches played among the teams in question" Stii ce inseamna asta in romana? Adica numarul de puncte obtinute de echipe INTRE ELE. Asta inseamna among the teams in question. Nu totalul. Deci daca Romania a batut Ucraina si termina la egalitate de puncte DOAR cu Ucraina, diferenta dintre ele va fi data de nr de puncte obtinute intre ele, adica de meciul direct. Asta e primul criteriu, urmat de golaveraj.

gabytzu88  •  21 Iunie 2024, 19:04

De pe site-ul UEFA How teams are split when level on points If two or more teams in the same group are equal on points on completion of the final tournament group stage, the following criteria are applied, in the order given, to determine their rankings: a. higher number of points obtained in the matches played among the teams in question b. superior goal difference resulting from the matches played among the teams in question c. higher number of goals scored in the matches played among the teams in question d. if, after having applied criteria a) to c), teams still have an equal ranking, criteria a) to c) are reapplied exclusively to the matches between the remaining teams to determine their final rankings. If this procedure does not lead to a decision, criteria e) to i) apply in the order given to the two or more teams still equal e. superior goal difference in all group matches f. higher number of goals scored in all group matches g. lower disciplinary points total based only on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in all group matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points) h. position in the overall European Qualifiers rankings, or if Germany, the host association team, is involved in the comparison, drawing of lots If two teams which have the same number of points and the same number of goals scored and conceded play their last group match against each other and are still

JanosHorvath07  •  21 Iunie 2024, 18:40

"Primul criteriu de clasificare este cel al meciurilor directe." Opa, deci sa inteleg ca fc fcsbistii care ma injurau si ziceau ca gresesc, fluturandu-mi in fata un pasaj de pe Digi Sport cu un text tradus incomplet si gresit de pe site-ul UEFA, au gresit?! Multumesc, domnule Nistor, ca i-ai lamurit. Pe mine nu m-au crezut.

RegeleMihail  •  21 Iunie 2024, 18:29

okay, deci dacă România pierde cu Belgia și toate fac egal în ultima etapă, cine vine mai departe?
