VIDEO » Mutu scored two goals against Bologna

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 02 februarie 2009 00:00

Back as a starter for Fiorentina after the elbow injury that kept him off the pitch for 3 week, Adrian Mutu scored twice in just 15 minutes for the viola squad.

The Romanian international broke the deadlock in the 2nd minute, and then scored again for 2-0 in the 15th minute after he broke free and was left to face Antonioli. He received a yellow card in the 6th minute of the game.

With these two goals, Mutu answered to Sinisa Mihajlovici, who said before de match: "Mutu? Gilardino? They are no better than Di Vaio. Marco was excellent this season, he scored a lot of goals and helped us to avoid relegation."

First goal scored by Mutu (video)

Back as a starter for Fiorentina after the elbow injury that kept him off the pitch for 3 week, Adrian Mutu scored twice in just 15 minutes for the viola squad.

The Romanian international broke the deadlock in the 2nd minute, and then scored again for 2-0 in the 15th minute after he broke free and was left to face Antonioli. He received a yellow card in the 6th minute of the game.

With these two goals, Mutu answered to Sinisa Mihajlovici, who said before de match: "Mutu? Gilardino? They are no better than Di Vaio. Marco was excellent this season, he scored a lot of goals and helped us to avoid relegation."

First goal scored by Mutu (video)

Second goal scored by Mutu (video)

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