Elisabeta Lipă: "It was a plot"

Articol de - Publicat luni, 01 decembrie 2008 00:00

Elisabeta Lipă speaks about the persons who wanted her exclusion from COSR and the Federation

"I will never make a team with those who are against the sportsmen and manoeuvre with their money"

November 2008 was a difficult month for the multiple Olympic championship Elisabeta Lipă. :S The Minister of the Interior, Cristian David, dallied to name her in the function of president of the club Dinamo, and she lost the title of member in  the Executive Committee at the category personalities from sport at the elections from COSR. On the other hand, the canoeing federation tried to dissolve the post of vive president. All these facts are connected, thinks Lipă and had as a purpose her exclusion her from all the committees.

- Lipă, are you angry?
- Angry? No! Disappointed? Yes!

- Did you know that you would loose the elections from COSR?
- I wouldn’t have been that stupid to stand as a candidate at random. Only when I arrived to Izvorani have I heard that the games were made against me, and people hadn’t vote yet. I think the elections were organized on purpose not to win the elections, because it was a place for every candidate.

- Do you know your adversaries?
- Of course I do. One of them is the general Marcel Popescu. The tergiversation of my appointment to Dinamo made the general to hate me. I will tell him once again: I didn’t want the post.

- The second....
- Is the president of the federation, Ioan Dospinescu, who thinks that because of me, his dream of becoming a quaestor didn’t came true. There is also about a donation Mai e şi o sponsorizare la mijloc. I didn’t agree with the way in which he wanted to share the money, which, on his opinion, didn’t have to arrive at the girls medaled with bronze to Beijing. I was an athlete and I know what it means to be aggrieved.

- Did you argue with your goddaughter, Georgeta Andrunache?
- They wanted to set one against the other. I hope Geta won’t fall into a trap.

- Do you give up the struggle?
- No! But I would like to know what does sports personality mean?! Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee, came this year three times in Romania and every time he uttered my name. :)


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