Comentarii (2)
asystel  •  23 Iunie 2015, 18:55

Jocurilor Olimpice Europene????? Pe bune? Cum puteti scrie o asemenea aberatie??? Exista si Jocuri Olimpice Africane, Australiene sau Asiatice? " The European Games is a multi-sport event for athletes from all over Europe and is held every four years.The Games are owned, organised and regulated by the European Olympic Committees. The European Games were created at the General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees on December 9th 2012 in Rome, Italy, when 84% of the National Olympic Committees of Europe voted for the creation of the European Games." Putina documentare nu strica!!

flm90  •  23 Iunie 2015, 15:41

Poti sa le promiti si 100 000 de euro ca oricum nu ia medalii. suntem de rasul europei...singura tara de pest 10 mil de locuitori care se prezinta in halul asta de penibil.
