Comentarii (7)
ovidiu_3003  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 20:57 curand se va spune ca Ro are si cei mai prosti ziaristi din lume ...

ionicafarafrica  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 13:02

Trimis la BBC azi dimineata la sectiunea 'Reclamatii': Complaint Summary: Portrayal of my home country Full Complaint: "But Nistor, from one of Europe's poorest and most corrupt countries, insists he doesn't dwell on the gulf between his income and Joshua's." Author: Stephen McGrath Ok. It's great that BBC took the time to interview this guy, but why put this type of reference to Romania? Poor means exactly what here? Low salaries? Yes. But look at the prices for the basic, locally produced goods! I'm sure Mr McGrath enjoyed a pint for about 1/10th of what he pays for it in the UK. Most corrupt? Ok. What about this: What about a phrase like this: "Antonio Conte, Chelsea's manager, from Eurozone's most corrupt country, insists he doesn't dwell on the gulf between his income and Jose Mourinho" See? Not nice Stephen, not nice BBC. And, to bring this closer to home, what about a phrase like this in international press about I don't know, Gary Lineker: "Gary Lineker, from one of the countries with the most cruel colonialist and racist past, insists he doesn't care that Germany beat England in 1990". See? What I was saying, not nice. Please circulate this widely among your Stephen-McGraths.

paulg40  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 03:01

Ati fost in Londra in Manchaster in Liverpool?Negrii pakistanezi ajutoare sociale mici la ce preturi sunt.Eu nu prea am vazut englezi!Mai exista englezi in competitiile sportive?

Nelu Brancoveanu  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 02:46

Boxa in deplasare în Crângași.........,

para.para  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 01:32

Capitala "uneia dintre cele mai sărace și corupte țări din Europa".

titiduru22  •  26 Aprilie 2017, 00:41
Postat de Alexandru Nica pe 25 Aprilie 2017, 23:23

In poza apare cartierul Crangasi, nicidecum Berceni...

Asa si ???

Alexandru Nica  •  25 Aprilie 2017, 23:23

In poza apare cartierul Crangasi, nicidecum Berceni...
