Comentarii (2)
zb59  •  02 Iunie 2024, 23:03

Nenea Ene ziaristul, ne spui si noua ce i seamna termenul “ distragător ”!?:)) Iata ce a zis Iga: “ The stakes are big and there’s lot of money here to win. Losing a few points may change a lot. Please, guys, if you can support us between the rallies but not during, that would be really, really amazing.” Deci se referea la “ the crowd for distracting her during big points”. Poti gasi un echivalent in Ro pentru “distracting”!? Dar nu “ distragător”, amice! Sau go back to school!:))

VanBasten2000  •  02 Iunie 2024, 16:31

Poloneza sa fie atenta la ce declara ca poate ii pune grecul niste colagen in bautura.
