Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 23 aprilie 2010 00:00
Being in the fight for avoiding the deduction, Poli Iasi has a new problem. The Red Cross sued the club because:
"According to the Law 36/2007, all the cultural institutions, the entertainment institutions, the federations and the sports organizations, the associations, the sport clubs and the foundations that organize sports manifestations are constrained to levy a stamp tax of Red Cross for every ticket sold.
In order to obtain these amounts of money, the Red Cross has started up an entire procedure to inform all the societies that have the duty to transfer this stamp tax, by sending some notifications.
The temporary amount which we are asking is of 1.000 lei, and the specialists will establish the exact amount that Poli Iaşi owes since April 25, 2007 until now. He have also asked comminatory prejudices of 100 lei for every day of delay", said Tedy Crestin, the general director of Red Cross, according to Mediafax.

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