Dragomir is not known: he even proposed money in envelopes for the brigades referees!

Articol de , - Publicat miercuri, 21 iulie 2010 00:00


Gazeta Sporturilor found that Dumitru Dragomir has proposed to change the method of payement from the League One referees. He was the assistance of the head of CCA, Vasile Avram.


In 1923, Liviu Rebreanu wrote the piece “Envelope.” At 87 years away, Dumitru Dragomir directed “a piece” in Executive Committee of FRF of June 18, 2010. At his proposal, after three seasons in which the referees and the League observers were paid through bank account directly, it returned to cash in envelopes directly to the stadium. Mitică was supported even by the head of CCA, Vasile Avram, who initially wanted to pay the standards before games, but in orders.

“What do you reproach me that the method of envelopes to the referees returned? It wasn’t the initiative of the League’s, the Executive Committee of Federation decided.”

Dumitru Dragomir, June 19, 2010

Large debtors: Craiova, Dinamo and Internaţional

Dumitru Dragomir and Mircea Sandu sustain that this decision was taken because from the last season have left debts of hundreds of thousands of dollars from some clubs who have not paid some part of standards so far. In the first three places are Universitatea Craiova, Dinamo and Internaţional Curtea de Arges. And the most “hit” in the accounts are refrees Alexandru Tusor, Cristi Balaj and Marius Avram.

“International has debts of 160.000 RON. Heard that no longer wants to pay. Then Pandurii do it, because they just took their place in League One!”

Mircea Sandu, president FRF

“I hear that the referees wouldn’t sustain the cash payment. But what they feel when they go to the bank, put the card and is empty? They should see their arbitration and  should read more the rules!”

Mircea Sandu, president FRF

If the team don't pay the referees standards, they will not be scheduled!

In ROAF provides that the “referees and observers paying standards in regular time is sanctioned and will be not scheduled for next games until the payment of the debts. If they weren’t schedule, automatically the team will loss the game with 3-0. Two sanctions of this type will lead to downgrade.

“I will pay the referees standards in 50 coins money that they wheel from the stadium”

Marian Iancu, Poli Timisoara financier

210 kg would weigh standards for judges and observers in a League match, if they will be paid in 50 coins money (6.1 g / piece)

34,500 is the number of coins needed to pay the money 50 standards referees and observers from a League match

5,3 milion RON is the net amount that is spent in the League in a season with referees and observers standards payment



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