After Bonetti’s demission, Borcea warned Dinu that he could be fired from the club

Articol de - Publicat marti, 06 octombrie 2009 00:00

The conflict Borcea - Bonetti provoked a real internal war at Dinamo, after Cornel Dinu defended the Italian. Between the executive president and the delegate administrator there is an older dispute. Authorized sources affirm that Borcea really threatened Dinu a few days ago that he could even pay with his job: "Mister, I esteem you, I appreciate you, but I am the boss at Dinamo, I am the one who gives the money, so you should be careful how and what you say! I asked you many times to involve at the team, but you have always avoided".

To be or not to be technical director
The executive president reproached many times directly to Mister that he hired Bonetti: "You are guilty for bringing him here! After I fired Rednic, you said that you would come as technical director to make your own team. The second day, Rednic left, but you didn’t want, you shuffled. I offered you 20.000 euro per month, plus a contract on 3 years!". The story was also confirmed yesterday by Cornel Ţălnar, and Gheorghe Niţu, who had to be the main coach and the coach of the goalkeepers of the new technical team.

Another variant. Those who know Dinu affirm that he transmitted to the leaders this summer: "I accept to be the technical director, I may even stay on the bench, I am responsible together with the coaches of the results, but only if the team is composed of Ţălnar and Niţu. But everything lasted a few hours and then the shareholders named Bonetti as coach. What shall I do, I shall beg them?!".

"Borcea wanted to become referee"
The people from football had been taken by surprise by the arrows which the two are throwing to each other lately: "They harassed each other in the past, too, lat time Borcea fired Dinu from the position of coach with the smile on his face, but they exaggerated. Mister is the one who helped Borcea at the beginning, actually invented him. Ţălnar brought Cristi at the club. "He wants to become a referee, godfather, what shall we do with him?", Ţînţaru' asked Dinu, and the last one decided: "He is good of  marketing director, he has good stuff in him!". This way started Borcea to evolve in his career".

"At Dinamo there are interests with respect to the utilization of some players. After the match won in 2008 with Steaua, Borcea called Ţălnar, congratulated him, but he warned him: "I won’t give you any bonus, because you haven’t used the players I asked you!"
Cornel Dinu, at Fanatik Show

"I will tell you the truth from that match: the entire team took a bonus of 400.000 dollars. The money was shared. The titles and I took 21.000 dollars for each one. The rest, the reserves and the entire staff"
Cornel Ţălnar, former coach at Dinamo

"Everybody received money then. A very important amount. I knew that Mister Dinu had to come as technical director, with Ţălnar and me. He earned enough money, but he didn’t want any more"
Gheorghe Niţu, former coach with the goalkeepers

"I would consult more with Mr. Dinu, to learn more of his wisdom, if he came and stayed more at the office"
Cristi Borcea, executive president

"I give the money, I can speak"
Dinu has also revealed at Fanatik Show, on Sunday night: "Before the match won now in Ghencea, Borcea came in the training camp and he said to Bonetti to stay in the kitchen, ans he went to discuss with the players in the council room. He asked Tamaş, the captain of the team, what bonus he wants for the team at victory. "Two milliard lei, without coaches, just us!", answered the defender. Then, I am asking you, where is the unity at Dinamo?!". Borcea replied yesterday: "So what? If I give from my money at the team, I don’t think that I have to ask Mr. Dinu how and when I give it".

The conflict Borcea - Bonetti provoked a real internal war at Dinamo, after Cornel Dinu defended the Italian. Between the executive president and the delegate administrator there is an older dispute. Authorized sources affirm that Borcea really threatened Dinu a few days ago that he could even pay with his job: "Mister, I esteem you, I appreciate you, but I am the boss at Dinamo, I am the one who gives the money, so you should be careful how and what you say! I asked you many times to involve at the team, but you have always avoided".

To be or not to be technical director
The executive president reproached many times directly to Mister that he hired Bonetti: "You are guilty for bringing him here! After I fired Rednic, you said that you would come as technical director to make your own team. The second day, Rednic left, but you didn’t want, you shuffled. I offered you 20.000 euro per month, plus a contract on 3 years!". The story was also confirmed yesterday by Cornel Ţălnar, and Gheorghe Niţu, who had to be the main coach and the coach of the goalkeepers of the new technical team.

Another variant. Those who know Dinu affirm that he transmitted to the leaders this summer: "I accept to be the technical director, I may even stay on the bench, I am responsible together with the coaches of the results, but only if the team is composed of Ţălnar and Niţu. But everything lasted a few hours and then the shareholders named Bonetti as coach. What shall I do, I shall beg them?!".

"Borcea wanted to become referee"
The people from football had been taken by surprise by the arrows which the two are throwing to each other lately: "They harassed each other in the past, too, lat time Borcea fired Dinu from the position of coach with the smile on his face, but they exaggerated. Mister is the one who helped Borcea at the beginning, actually invented him. Ţălnar brought Cristi at the club. "He wants to become a referee, godfather, what shall we do with him?", Ţînţaru' asked Dinu, and the last one decided: "He is good of  marketing director, he has good stuff in him!". This way started Borcea to evolve in his career".

"At Dinamo there are interests with respect to the utilization of some players. After the match won in 2008 with Steaua, Borcea called Ţălnar, congratulated him, but he warned him: "I won’t give you any bonus, because you haven’t used the players I asked you!"
Cornel Dinu, at Fanatik Show

"I will tell you the truth from that match: the entire team took a bonus of 400.000 dollars. The money was shared. The titles and I took 21.000 dollars for each one. The rest, the reserves and the entire staff"
Cornel Ţălnar, former coach at Dinamo

"Everybody received money then. A very important amount. I knew that Mister Dinu had to come as technical director, with Ţălnar and me. He earned enough money, but he didn’t want any more"
Gheorghe Niţu, former coach with the goalkeepers

"I would consult more with Mr. Dinu, to learn more of his wisdom, if he came and stayed more at the office"
Cristi Borcea, executive president

"I give the money, I can speak"
Dinu has also revealed at Fanatik Show, on Sunday night: "Before the match won now in Ghencea, Borcea came in the training camp and he said to Bonetti to stay in the kitchen, ans he went to discuss with the players in the council room. He asked Tamaş, the captain of the team, what bonus he wants for the team at victory. "Two milliard lei, without coaches, just us!", answered the defender. Then, I am asking you, where is the unity at Dinamo?!". Borcea replied yesterday: "So what? If I give from my money at the team, I don’t think that I have to ask Mr. Dinu how and when I give it".

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