Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 15 iulie 2009 00:00
The Italian coach found out the vulnerable points of the Hungarians which Steaua should profit of tomorrow night in Ghencea
- Mr. Bergodi, the supporters have been dissatisfied with Steaua’s evolution in the friendly match with Genclerbirligi.
- It is not right if anybody can affirm that he didn’t see anything good in Steaua’s play. We should take into account that Bergodi has 12 days of trainings in Austria and not even a week of training inside the country. Gigi Becali was not content about Steaua's evolution in the match with Turks
- Have you decided the team which you will use in the match with Ujpest?
- At large, yes, I have decided, I only have to reach the final conclusion. A question mark is with respect to Onicaş. Let’s see how he is going to resist physically after the easy crick from his ankle suffered in Austria.
- You analysed the Hungarians play, how did you find them?
- We have to be careful with Ujpest in the counterattack, because I think this is going to be their tactic. We shouldn’t offer them free spaces, and we must have a combinative play. We can defeat them through a play with passes on the ground.
"Pay attention to Tisza and Kabat!"
- Which are their main dangers?
- The force of the group. As individuals there are Tibor Tisza and Peter Kabat. Tisza is forward, but the match with Pandurii he played left midfielder. I like him, he is good, technical, mobile and I may consider him a veritable no. 10. Kabat is the captain of the team. He is dangerous in attack because he may decide by himself certain phases. Besides, they lost two players, the Brazilian Jucemar and Gabor Bori, who reached in Turkey at Diyarbakirspor.Emeric Ienei warns that Ujpest will be a difficult adversary
- Could Ujpest have any advantage?
- Yes, the fact that they started the training before us.
- Which is your greatest ambition?
- To bring my work at Steaua to a successful conclusion. And this because I left at CFR Cluj after eight months of effort at the team and somebody else reaped the fruits. The same happened at Rapid, where I left my work unfinished, although I was on a good way. These are two great disappointments for my career.
"He has to catch up a lot on his physical shape because he hasn’t trained in a normal intensity for almost two months"
"Step-by-step he will recover the physical handicap which he has in comparison with the other players. I liked the way he played with Genclerbirligi. He is technical and he respects the tactic tasks. There are chances to play even tomorrow with Ujpest"
"Does Cesinha regret that he didn’t came back? After such a "soap opera" the player realises what he lost. I cannot say who was guilty about this, but now it is too late, because we took Grzelak"
"Sincerely, I haven’t spoken anything about him. The young Onicaş and Bicfalvi are not enough, even if the first has many qualities and he played well. We are looking for another midfielder"Tiago is seen as a mercenary by Gigi Becali
"My great ambition now is to become a champion. Then I would feel a complete coach"
Cristiano Bergodi
3 victories, a draw match and a defeat is Bergodi’s record at Steaua in the training matches
20 days have passed since the coach from Ghencea took the team
The Italian coach found out the vulnerable points of the Hungarians which Steaua should profit of tomorrow night in Ghencea
- Mr. Bergodi, the supporters have been dissatisfied with Steaua’s evolution in the friendly match with Genclerbirligi.
- It is not right if anybody can affirm that he didn’t see anything good in Steaua’s play. We should take into account that Bergodi has 12 days of trainings in Austria and not even a week of training inside the country. Gigi Becali was not content about Steaua's evolution in the match with Turks
- Have you decided the team which you will use in the match with Ujpest?
- At large, yes, I have decided, I only have to reach the final conclusion. A question mark is with respect to Onicaş. Let’s see how he is going to resist physically after the easy crick from his ankle suffered in Austria.
- You analysed the Hungarians play, how did you find them?
- We have to be careful with Ujpest in the counterattack, because I think this is going to be their tactic. We shouldn’t offer them free spaces, and we must have a combinative play. We can defeat them through a play with passes on the ground.
"Pay attention to Tisza and Kabat!"
- Which are their main dangers?
- The force of the group. As individuals there are Tibor Tisza and Peter Kabat. Tisza is forward, but the match with Pandurii he played left midfielder. I like him, he is good, technical, mobile and I may consider him a veritable no. 10. Kabat is the captain of the team. He is dangerous in attack because he may decide by himself certain phases. Besides, they lost two players, the Brazilian Jucemar and Gabor Bori, who reached in Turkey at Diyarbakirspor.Emeric Ienei warns that Ujpest will be a difficult adversary
- Could Ujpest have any advantage?
- Yes, the fact that they started the training before us.
- Which is your greatest ambition?
- To bring my work at Steaua to a successful conclusion. And this because I left at CFR Cluj after eight months of effort at the team and somebody else reaped the fruits. The same happened at Rapid, where I left my work unfinished, although I was on a good way. These are two great disappointments for my career.
"He has to catch up a lot on his physical shape because he hasn’t trained in a normal intensity for almost two months"
"Step-by-step he will recover the physical handicap which he has in comparison with the other players. I liked the way he played with Genclerbirligi. He is technical and he respects the tactic tasks. There are chances to play even tomorrow with Ujpest"
"Does Cesinha regret that he didn’t came back? After such a "soap opera" the player realises what he lost. I cannot say who was guilty about this, but now it is too late, because we took Grzelak"
"Sincerely, I haven’t spoken anything about him. The young Onicaş and Bicfalvi are not enough, even if the first has many qualities and he played well. We are looking for another midfielder"Tiago is seen as a mercenary by Gigi Becali
"My great ambition now is to become a champion. Then I would feel a complete coach"
Cristiano Bergodi
3 victories, a draw match and a defeat is Bergodi’s record at Steaua in the training matches
20 days have passed since the coach from Ghencea took the team