CCA has awarded the best referees! Marius Avram: "I don't know if I deserved!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 15 decembrie 2009 00:00

Marius Avram, the son of the president of the Central Commission of Referees, Vasile Avram has been declarated today the best referees of the year in Romania pursuant to his job at the matches he arbitrated in league 1.

"I am honoured for this award, I don’t know if I was better than the others. My dream is to become the best referee, but I have to work hard in order to get there. The advice of my father is always useful", said Avram Jr.

He added that there were hard moments both for him and for his colleagues after the National Anticorruption Directorate arrested some officials from CCA. "It was a difficult year for the Romanian arbitration. I was shocked when I saw my colleagues with hand-cuff. I went to the matches and all the supporters were shouting that DNA should come and take us, but I have always entered on the field with courage", said Avram Jr.

Marius Avram, the son of the president of the Central Commission of Referees, Vasile Avram has been declarated today the best referees of the year in Romania pursuant to his job at the matches he arbitrated in league 1.

"I am honoured for this award, I don’t know if I was better than the others. My dream is to become the best referee, but I have to work hard in order to get there. The advice of my father is always useful", said Avram Jr.

He added that there were hard moments both for him and for his colleagues after the National Anticorruption Directorate arrested some officials from CCA. "It was a difficult year for the Romanian arbitration. I was shocked when I saw my colleagues with hand-cuff. I went to the matches and all the supporters were shouting that DNA should come and take us, but I have always entered on the field with courage", said Avram Jr.

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