Chivorchian: "Rapid must pay, they are responsible for the registration!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 10 martie 2010 00:00

The general manager of Politehnica Timişoara, Gheorghe Chivorchian, declared that the arguments of the litigation presented by Poli with respect to the registration of the players Tiberiu Bălan and Dacian Varga at Rapid are serious, but that the officials from Poli Timişoara would accept also to play again the match if LPF decides this way

"I think that our arguments are quite solid. A player from League 1 cannot play without having the visa of LPF, because LPF is the one that organizes the competition. Although they didn’t have this document, and furthermore, they had only a paper from the League through which they were informed not to use the players, the officials form Rapid have introduced them anyway on the field", declared Chivorchian when he left from the Discipline Commission of LPF.

The official of the club from Timişoara has added that he wished the team prepared by Ioan Ovidiu Sabău to win on the ground the match with Rapid, but those from Rapid must pay if they made a mistake.

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