Dayro Moreno: "The arrest affected me", Gigi Becali: "Then, you will be again title!"

Dayro Moreno
Dayro Moreno

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009 00:00

The Columbian Dayro Moreno said that his weak evolutions, which he had lately, were due to Gigi Becali’s imprisonment. This one returned the service and imposed him in the start team

Worried about Moreno’s evolutions in the return; Gigi Becali had a discussion with the Columbian in the locker room, together with Marius Lăcătuş, in front of all his team mates. "Dayro, what’s wrong with you?", asked the sponsor, being helped by the coach to translate from Romanian into Spanish and vice-versa.

The Columbian Dayro Moreno said that his weak evolutions, which he had lately, were due to Gigi Becali’s imprisonment. This one returned the service and imposed him in the start team

Worried about Moreno’s evolutions in the return; Gigi Becali had a discussion with the Columbian in the locker room, together with Marius Lăcătuş, in front of all his team mates. "Dayro, what’s wrong with you?", asked the sponsor, being helped by the coach to translate from Romanian into Spanish and vice-versa.

After a few moments of silence, the south-American midfielder gave an answer which stroke Gigi upon the heart: "My decline is pursuant to what happened to you from the moment you have been imprisoned. This thing affected very much in my evolutions". If Lăcătuş got stuck for a few seconds, Becali was very delighted when he heard such an answer.

His team mates started to laugh
The explanation not only that saved Dayro, but it also managed to bring him again as title with CFR. "Marius, you have to understand that he is the only real football player we have. He has airs sometimes, but he is still a child. I do not conceive the team without him in the match with CFR. You punished him in the match with Mediaş, now is time to play", Gigi announced Lăcă. His team mates found out about this discussion and they could hardly keep their temper not to laugh in front of the sponsor.


Steaua - Gloria Bistriţa (1-0)    he was on the reserve bench

Pandurii - Steaua (2-0)    he entered in the 59 minute, missing the greatest occasion of Steaua at the score of 1-0

Steaua - Farul (1-1)    he was changed in the 38 minute by Lăcătuş, because of his evolution

Gaz Metan - Steaua (0-1)    was left outside the team for the match from Mediaş

4 points obtained Steaua when Becali was imprisoned

29 matches played Dayro in the red-blue T-shirt in this season and he scored 4 goals

5,61 is the average of the marks received by the Columbian in Gazeta Sporturilor

"Dayro is a talented player, with qualities, but he is asked to do more than he is capable to do, i.e. to make both phases"
Emeric Ienei, ex-coach Steaua


The fans want Ochiroşii instead of Dayro
Dayro is not in the team which the supporters from Ghencea voted the most on the site steliş 287 users made a start team in which, instead of the Columbian is preferred Ochiroşii.


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