Dinamo is again interested in Sabău

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 12 mai 2010 00:00

Despite of the fact that Borcea transmits to Ţălnar that he will remain at Dinamo from this summer if they will occupy a place in the European competitions, the leaders think whom to put as coach from this summer.

On Monday evening, after they heard Ioan Ovidiu Sabău that he wants to resign from Timişoara, the shareholders showed interest:

"He is a young coach, he would be good at our team, but maybe the brothers Becali will oppose again!". Anyway, Ioan Andone remains the main favorite, on the list being also Ionuţ Badea.

Contra coach-player?
The conflict between Cosmin Contra and Marian Iancu, after he was eliminated in the match with Gaz Metan, could be speculated by Dinamo. Cristi Borcea transmitted to the player of 34 years old that he may come as coach-player from the next season, because he has a great international experience.

"Contra confuses football with sumo. I will have a serious discussion with him, I want to know why he became to play in one match and the next not", said Marian Iancu.

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