Emeghara get hurted again!

Ifeanyi Emeghara
Ifeanyi Emeghara

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Emeghara went again to the clinic from Bologna for another consultation. He hasn’t any chance to play in 2008

Steaua’s fans hardly remember Emeghara playing for “the red-blue”. He played only 3 matches in this season, in February-March. Then, appeared many other medical problems.  

The football player (24) trained normally in the last 10 days and it seemed that he will resist to the rhythm of everyday training. But he had again aches at the left knee, which was operated in May. The medical staff from Steaua decided to send the left defender   at the Isokinetic Clinic from Bologna!

"That’s true, Eme left to Italy. He went there for a detailed consultation, not for an operation. Anyway, I don’t think he will be able to play this turn. I hope to count on him from the spring",
confirmed Dorinel Munteanu.

Emeghara played 18 matches from 67, i.e. only 27%, since he came to Steaua

Emeghara’s transfer from Poli Timişoara cost 1 million euro, in the summer of 2007

Neither Ovidiu Petre will play on Saturday
Dorinel Munteanu cannot count on Ovidiu Petre either. "Wire" still has problems at the left knee, where he was operated this summer, and that is why the leadership from Ghencea wants to send him to Bologna. "Ovidiu won’t be able to play with Poli Timişoara either. Anyway, his situation is different from Emeghara’s. I hope to use him in the end of this championship turn ", said Munti.

Emeghara went again to the clinic from Bologna for another consultation. He hasn’t any chance to play in 2008

Steaua’s fans hardly remember Emeghara playing for “the red-blue”. He played only 3 matches in this season, in February-March. Then, appeared many other medical problems.  

The football player (24) trained normally in the last 10 days and it seemed that he will resist to the rhythm of everyday training. But he had again aches at the left knee, which was operated in May. The medical staff from Steaua decided to send the left defender   at the Isokinetic Clinic from Bologna!

"That’s true, Eme left to Italy. He went there for a detailed consultation, not for an operation. Anyway, I don’t think he will be able to play this turn. I hope to count on him from the spring", confirmed Dorinel Munteanu.

Emeghara played 18 matches from 67, i.e. only 27%, since he came to Steaua

Emeghara’s transfer from Poli Timişoara cost 1 million euro, in the summer of 2007

Neither Ovidiu Petre will play on Saturday
Dorinel Munteanu cannot count on Ovidiu Petre either. "Wire" still has problems at the left knee, where he was operated this summer, and that is why the leadership from Ghencea wants to send him to Bologna. "Ovidiu won’t be able to play with Poli Timişoara either. Anyway, his situation is different from Emeghara’s. I hope to use him in the end of this championship turn ", said Munti.

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Comentarii (7)
 •  19 Noiembrie 2008, 07:03

bv tudy ma mir ca aveti tupeul sa ziceti ca nush care jucatori sau antrenori sunt sub mediocri sau mai rau cand voi, domnilor jurnalisti sunteti sub limita penibilului, ganditi-va ca aveti un singur job de facut, relativ simplu, iar daca nu aveti talent de scriitori macar incercati sa scrieti corect d.p.d.v gramatical si ortografic. iar ca sa fiti capabili sa faceti asta intr-o limba straina trebuie mai intai sa incepeti cu limba romana...

 •  18 Noiembrie 2008, 20:14

Nice one Tudy! I be writtin' in this fizzle. Fo Shizzle, welcome to our Hizzle!

 •  17 Noiembrie 2008, 02:20

whats up niggaz :))

Vezi toate comentariile (7)