Find out the reasons which led to Aron Huzu's demission from the administration of CCA!

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 23 august 2009 00:00

For the former president of CCA, Aron Huzu, the time seems not to have passed with the speed of the events. He is the same person whom Mircea Sandu has hardly convinced to accept an impossible mission 4 months ago. A system checked by DNA, a reality hard to accept, a new team. These are Aron Huzu’s attempt coordinates of redefining the credibility in the Romanian arbitration.

422 sustaining massages

- Mr. Huzu, did you achieve the aims you proposed when you became the president of CCA?
- I think that after everything that happened at the end of the precedent championship, it was a very good moment for CCA to rebuild its image. I felt that my work is appreciated, a few young perspective referees have been promoted and I think we are going on the right way. The press reflected in a positive manner our decisions, and this makes me say that I content.

- With you left also those from the team you led.
- I think this happens for the first time: those who compose the Commission to resign when the president makes the same. In turn, all my collaborators announced me that they don’t want to continue. After Dan Lăzărescu, all the others expressed their wish of not being part of the administration of CCA anymore.

- Did you expect?
- Honestly, not. It is an extraordinary solidarity gesture. I received 422 sustaining messages after my decision was made public, and this doesn’t make me indifferent. I also told this to Dan Lăzărescu, I didn’t believe he would resign at the same time with me. He is a great man, and his support was very important in this time.

"I expected to another reaction from the referees"

- The referees expressed their support towards you, but few of them expected you to go up to the end.
- As I said before the Executive Committee, I couldn’t accept the foreign referees. What guarantees did I have that the Romanians would have gone in the powerful championships to lead matches there? It was hard to believe that such a thing could happen. Anyway, I expected a more vehement reaction from the Romanian referees.

- Can you be more precise?

- Actually it is about their work, the attitude they had could be more stable. They should have been strong and not to accept any immixture from anybody. If there is unity among all those involved in this phenomenon, the decision of the Executive Committee could be changed. If there would have been general solidarity, things could evolve in this sense.

- Mircea Sandu said in the press conference that followed after the Executive Committee that he convinced you to remain on your function.
- I had a discussion with him immediately after the setting, then he left to discuss with the mass-media representatives. I cannot say that those from the Executive Committee didn’t appreciate my work, the spokesman of league 3rd stood up and he even asked not to have the permission to leave. And Mr. Sandu spoke with me and said that he doesn’t want to hear me talking about demission. I couldn’t give up my principles and I decided to resign, I made him understand that I won’t continue.

-Which are the conclusions of the time you spent as the president of CCA?
- I have tried to do my best; you cannot say that you saw me too often in suit :). I have tried to stay closer to the young referees, I was next to them and I wanted to share my experience with them. I hope things will evolve in a right direction from now on, too. Some people said that I am a coward, these words are hurting me and it is hard to forget them. I trust the referees from the present lot and I am sure that they will make a good job thenceforth.

"We hurt ourselves with such manifestations"
The former international referee commented the incidents from the match Dinamo - Slovan and the decision of the Austrian Thomas Einwaller to stop the game without consulting with the observer of the match: "Deaconu reacted in a right way at Rapid - Steaua two seasons ago when he asked the fans many times not to throw anymore with objects. Then, seeing that the non-sports manifestations continue, he decided to stop the match. Anyway, in Europe the measure is different. The pity is that such things happen, in practice we hurt ourselves with such unpleasant events".

For the former president of CCA, Aron Huzu, the time seems not to have passed with the speed of the events. He is the same person whom Mircea Sandu has hardly convinced to accept an impossible mission 4 months ago. A system checked by DNA, a reality hard to accept, a new team. These are Aron Huzu’s attempt coordinates of redefining the credibility in the Romanian arbitration.

422 sustaining massages

- Mr. Huzu, did you achieve the aims you proposed when you became the president of CCA?
- I think that after everything that happened at the end of the precedent championship, it was a very good moment for CCA to rebuild its image. I felt that my work is appreciated, a few young perspective referees have been promoted and I think we are going on the right way. The press reflected in a positive manner our decisions, and this makes me say that I content.

- With you left also those from the team you led.
- I think this happens for the first time: those who compose the Commission to resign when the president makes the same. In turn, all my collaborators announced me that they don’t want to continue. After Dan Lăzărescu, all the others expressed their wish of not being part of the administration of CCA anymore.

- Did you expect?
- Honestly, not. It is an extraordinary solidarity gesture. I received 422 sustaining messages after my decision was made public, and this doesn’t make me indifferent. I also told this to Dan Lăzărescu, I didn’t believe he would resign at the same time with me. He is a great man, and his support was very important in this time.

"I expected to another reaction from the referees"

- The referees expressed their support towards you, but few of them expected you to go up to the end.
- As I said before the Executive Committee, I couldn’t accept the foreign referees. What guarantees did I have that the Romanians would have gone in the powerful championships to lead matches there? It was hard to believe that such a thing could happen. Anyway, I expected a more vehement reaction from the Romanian referees.

- Can you be more precise?

- Actually it is about their work, the attitude they had could be more stable. They should have been strong and not to accept any immixture from anybody. If there is unity among all those involved in this phenomenon, the decision of the Executive Committee could be changed. If there would have been general solidarity, things could evolve in this sense.

- Mircea Sandu said in the press conference that followed after the Executive Committee that he convinced you to remain on your function.
- I had a discussion with him immediately after the setting, then he left to discuss with the mass-media representatives. I cannot say that those from the Executive Committee didn’t appreciate my work, the spokesman of league 3rd stood up and he even asked not to have the permission to leave. And Mr. Sandu spoke with me and said that he doesn’t want to hear me talking about demission. I couldn’t give up my principles and I decided to resign, I made him understand that I won’t continue.

-Which are the conclusions of the time you spent as the president of CCA?
- I have tried to do my best; you cannot say that you saw me too often in suit :). I have tried to stay closer to the young referees, I was next to them and I wanted to share my experience with them. I hope things will evolve in a right direction from now on, too. Some people said that I am a coward, these words are hurting me and it is hard to forget them. I trust the referees from the present lot and I am sure that they will make a good job thenceforth.

"We hurt ourselves with such manifestations"
The former international referee commented the incidents from the match Dinamo - Slovan and the decision of the Austrian Thomas Einwaller to stop the game without consulting with the observer of the match: "Deaconu reacted in a right way at Rapid - Steaua two seasons ago when he asked the fans many times not to throw anymore with objects. Then, seeing that the non-sports manifestations continue, he decided to stop the match. Anyway, in Europe the measure is different. The pity is that such things happen, in practice we hurt ourselves with such unpleasant events".

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