Find out what happened in the locker room of Steaua on Thursday evening right from a player of red-blues!

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 21 septembrie 2009 00:00

Under the protection of anonymity, one of the players from Steaua told at Fanatik Show, on Digisport, how things really happened in the locker room of the group from Ghencea on Thursday evening. Read the witness of one of the players who was in the middle of the events!

"Everything started before the match, at the technical sitting. In the first place he criticized me saying that I was a disaster in the match with Gaz Metan and he threatened me that he will send me to the second team.

Then he criticized Tătăruşanu, who hanged his head unbecoming.  It was painful because Tătăruşanu is taller than Mr. Becali. Tătăruşanu was the most affected, who went out and slammed the door and the window, and on the other side of the door was Ghionea. Didn’t you see that Ghionea had a bandage on his head? Tătăruşanu clashed the head. Mister was not in the locker room at the technical setting. We are afraid to play.

Bergodi was turned with the backside, the door was stricken. Mister turned back and asked Mr. Becali what he was doing there. Mr. Becali got angry, I have never seen his that angry. He said to Bergodi: "I give money at this team and I am allowed to speak. Maybe I want to mobilize them". Then Bergodi said ironically: "Ok Mr. Becali, if you want to talk on money...".

"I couldn’t look at Becali, I was afraid!"

He humiliated Ionescu, I couldn’t watch him, I was afraid. Then he criticized Bergodi and he said: "Why are you looking at me like this, do you think that you are the best coach, what are these airs". Bergodi stood up so nervous that I thought he will beat Gigi, but he just touched his shoulder and pushed him outside. Mister was in high dudgeon, but he said patiently to Becali that it is not the right moment for this discussion, maybe later.

Gigi left nervously, and Mister locked the door on the inside so that no one could enter anymore. We didn’t have any technical setting

"We prefer to receive 6-7 goals and finish with this scandal!"

A colleague said to me that they didn’t even want to play. They say that they prefer to receive 6-7 goals and finish with this scandal. We are afraid to enter on the ground, if we give a wrong pass our legs are shivering because we know that we will be criticized after the match, he humiliates us. All the football players want to leave. It is not fair what happened with Bergodi. When I reached at Steaua, I couldn’t imagine that such things could happen.

Only Ghionea, Petre Marin and Goian are not afraid of Becali, they have experience. Only our legs are shivering. It is true, there is money, there are conditions, but the atmosphere became unbearable and you cannot make performance in these conditions"

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