Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 28 iulie 2009 00:00
Steaua’s defender found out yesterday that he won’t be able to play on Thursday, the first round of "the double" with Motherwell
The injuries of the players from Steaua are giving great troubles to Bergodi. The Italian hoped to recover Ghionea up to the tour with Motherwell, after he missed the return match with Ujpest because of muscular injury.
But the consultation made yesterday by the defender revealed the fact that his presence on the ground against the Scots could lead to a high possibility of the injury to relapse. That is why; the technical staff seems to be decided to spare him in order to avoid bringing to a head, which would mean a longer absence from the ground. It is most likely that Eugen Baciu will replace Ghionea.
Bicfalvi over one month
Neither Bicfalvi (21 years old) received good news. The young midfielder from Steaua will play again in Steaua’s team over one month. He suffered an injury at the colateral tendon from the right knee, and the period of recovery will be of at least three weeks.
Steaua has only one valid "stopper", Mihai Onicaş (18 years old). The player brought from the second team of Steaua has evolved until now in only two official matches at the first team.
Steaua has 4 injured players now: Ghionea, Bicfalvi, Ovidiu Petre and Emeghara
3 suspended players has Steaua for the tour with Motherwell: Toja, Petre Marin and Kapetanos
Semedo returned to CFR!
Being on the transfer list at Steaua, Semedo returns to CFR Cluj! Although, at first the president Iuliu Mureşan assured that the Portuguese won’t come back to Gruia, the insistences of the coach Toni Conceicao relented the boss from CFR Cluj to accept Semedo’s transfer. Left one year ago at Steaua, for 1,1 million euro, the football player of 30 years old was banished at Gigi Becali’s request. (Cosmin Lucaci)
"Romania is Steaua"
Invited in Bucharest by the Federal School of Coaches, the famous Spanish coach Javier Clemente was amazed when he found out that Steaua was not in the struggle for the title last season. "For me, Romania means Steaua. Just that I have noticed with surprise that the title was won by a no name team, Unirea Urziceni. I have watched the super-cup and I wondered where Steaua, Dinamo and Rapid were", said with astonishment Clemente.
"It will be difficult without Toja"
Cristiano Bergodi anticipatesd a difficult "double" in Europe League, with Motherwell, especially because of the absences from the team. "It won’t be easy at all with the Scots especially that we won’t rely on players like Toja or Petre Marin. But this doesn’t mean that I am afraid, but it means that I have a great respect for the adversary. Be sure that I trust those who will replace the absents! Anyway, I hope we won’t have an unpleasant surprise", declared the coach from Steaua.
Ultimele noutăţi:
> Meciul tur dintre Steaua şi Motherwell, programat joi, de la 20:45, va fi arbitrat de o brigadă din Turcia. "Central" a fost desemnat Cuneyt Cakir, ajutat la linii de Tarik Ongun şi de Selcuk Kaya.
> Steaua deschide azi, în Ghencea, un mini-parc de distracţii pentru micii stelişti. În zona FCSB Kids, copiii pot juca fotbal pe un teren cu porţi gonflabile, au la dispoziţie un tobogan şi o piscină cu bile roş-albastre. Programul? De luni pînă sîmbătă, între 10:00 şi 18:00.
> Dumitru Dragomir: "Abia m-am întors din concediu. Cu cine a căzut Steaua în Europa? Cu Motherwell? Cine sînt ăştia?".