Gigi Becali: "As long as I am in Ghencea, no Dinamo fan will ever come here!" :X

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 06 mai 2009 00:00

Gigi Becali says that he will never accept Dinamo’s fans to come in Ghencea.

"As long as I am at this team, no “dog” will ever come on the field Ghencea. I will receive Borcea, Turcu and Badea in loges to drink champagne.

As for the rest, dogs will never be welcomed in Ghencea. From now on, there won’t be any protocol, good bye!, because of what happened.

Until now, the supporters fought each other, they swore each other, but now it is different because they broke a player’s head. But I will put an end to all these things.  

We will have a discussion and we’ll make this decision with Rapid too. If they agree, at the match played on Dinamo’s field I will watch it on TV. Are we terrorists in a war, or what?", said Becali at sportro.

Gigi Becali says that he will never accept Dinamo’s fans to come in Ghencea.

"As long as I am at this team, no “dog” will ever come on the field Ghencea. I will receive Borcea, Turcu and Badea in loges to drink champagne.

As for the rest, dogs will never be welcomed in Ghencea. From now on, there won’t be any protocol, good bye!, because of what happened.

Until now, the supporters fought each other, they swore each other, but now it is different because they broke a player’s head. But I will put an end to all these things.  

We will have a discussion and we’ll make this decision with Rapid too. If they agree, at the match played on Dinamo’s field I will watch it on TV. Are we terrorists in a war, or what?", said Becali at sportro.

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