Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 10 martie 2009 00:00
The sponsor plans to change the system of play, to eliminate some football players from the start formula and to impose a leader in the team
Gigi Becali is back! After he preferred to play only the role of sponsor in the first two laps, when Steaua took only one point from 6, the sponsor will involve again at the team: "From now on I will handle myself to remedy the situation. We cannot continue this way". The plan of the sponsor from Ghencea is a complex one and has 7 essential steps.
1. Szekely, Tiago and Semedo, OUT!
The 3 are considered by Becali "very much below the level of the team, they do not deserve to play at Steaua". He wants to send Szekely and Tiago to Steaua II, but he says that will consult Lăcătuş, too. After a while, even Semedo will join them.
2. "I will come to the team every week"
"I haven’t been at the team for a few months ago, that is why we have this situation. Lăcătuş asked met o come many times, but I didn’t want to come. I didn’t have the necessary state after all the scandal with <>", reproached himself Becali, who announced: "From now on I will involve myself in the team every week. But I will help only in motivating the players and moralizing them. I won’t mess in organizing the team!".
3. "He should change the system 4-1-4-1!"
Although he wanted to specify that he won’t intervene in organizing the team, Becali prepared his advices. And one of these is related to the system of play he uses, 4-1-4-1, which "the Beast" changed in the break between the seasons: "4-1-4-1 is used only by powerful teams which smashes you. But Steaua does not have valuable midfielders, why to use this system? What to do with Tiago and Szekely? I am going to discuss with Lăcătuş. This system is not suitable for the players we have".
4. "Dayro is indispensable"
Lăcătuş was criticized by Becali because he kept Dayro Moreno on the bench. "Steaua didn’t win at Braşov because Dayro had been reserve", said the sponsor, who transmitted very clear to the coach that this thing shouldn’t happen again: "Dayro is the best player. He is a football player and that’s it! It is true that he has even bad days, but it happens! But no matter what he is a football player!". Becali also boasted Nicoliţă and he said about him that he is a "football player". If he just ran at the beginning, now he even plays with the heel".
5. "Lovin will be the new leader of the team"
Gigi Becali complaint that after Paraschiv and Rădoi left, Steaua lost its leader from the field. "Paraschiv and Rădoi set the style of aggressiveness when they played at Steaua. Now we don’t have anymore that player. Ghionea is defender and he cannot set the style from the defense line. It has to be someone from the middle. I think that Lovin would be the best. I like him because he is ambitious, but I don’t know if Lăcătuş thinks the same".
6. "It doesn’t matter what methods I will use!"
Disturbed by the way Lajos refereed at the match Gaz Metan-Dinamo (1-1) and the fact that he was ironised by Borcea and Turcu after Steaua’s defeat, Gigi Becali affirmed that his strategy on the way of conquering the title with Steaua will contain even unorthodox methods. "I will be in charge of everything from now on. It doesn’t matter if the methods will be moral or not! Borcea and Turcu cannot make a mock of me. I will demonstrate that they are cockroach!", threatened the sponsor from Ghencea.
After Gigi Becali exposed on Sunday evening a few points from his involvement plan in the team, Marius Lăcătuş reacted very blunt at Fanatik Show. “I am very disturbed with what Gigi said! People will interpret his declarations in many ways! But what everybody have to know is that in the issues related to the team I will be the one to decide from now on, too!”, said “The Beast”.
"Borcea is very good at back-room arrangements"
Gigi Becali continued his accuses upon the executive director from Dinamo, Cristi Borcea, ironizing him at the same time. "Borcea’s best quality is to make back-room arrangements. He deals with this thing for years. If you ask him to give a statute test with Argăseală, Cristi will take 1 and Vali will take 10. Borcea would better shot up!", said Becali, who boasted his president: "Aşa de slab e Argăseală, că a jucat de trei ori cu echipa în Liga Campionilor şi are o semifinală de Cupa UEFA".
6 weeks, the equivalent of the next 5 laps from League 1, represents the period in which Becali proposed himself to bring Steaua on the first place
"The situation is not too good, but we will solve it some way”
GIGI BECALI, the sponsor from Steaua
"One of my methods is to tell the players that I don’t care about the championship! But this is a psychological game, which is meant to unchain them and become championships"
GIGI BECALI, the sponsor from Steaua