Gigi Becali has been released!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 17 aprilie 2009 00:00

After many apeals the judges set Gigi Becali free!

Steaua's owner will got to trial, but he has been released for now and he will spend Easter with hid family.

Gigi Becali will be released immediately. He will be under judicial control, which means that you should obey certain rules imposed by judges, including restriction to leave Bucharest and the obligation to attend every court prosecutors.

After many apeals the judges set Gigi Becali free!

Steaua's owner will got to trial, but he has been released for now and he will spend Easter with hid family.

Gigi Becali will be released immediately. He will be under judicial control, which means that you should obey certain rules imposed by judges, including restriction to leave Bucharest and the obligation to attend every court prosecutors.

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Comentarii (2)
 •  20 Aprilie 2009, 01:14

Serios acum, cine traduce articolele astea face niste greseli gramaticale elementare... concediati-l si cautati pe altcineva.

 •  17 Aprilie 2009, 19:35

acum angajati si copii de 6 ani sa va scrie articole in engleza? ei bine, perseverenta conteaza...

Vezi toate comentariile (2)