It was decided: a match lost with 0-3 by Rapid! You can see what's next for Rapid!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 09 aprilie 2010 00:00

The Discipline Commission from LPF has decided today that Rapid looses the match with FC Timişoara, 0-3!

Before arriving at TAS, Rapid can appeal to the decision made today. BUT, in this situation, Varga and Bălan won’t have the right to play with CFR Cluj either, on Sunday, from 21:30, their identification cards cannot be issued until the definitive resolution of the case.

The Discipline Commission from LPF has decided today that Rapid looses the match with FC Timişoara, 0-3!

Before arriving at TAS, Rapid can appeal to the decision made today. BUT, in this situation, Varga and Bălan won’t have the right to play with CFR Cluj either, on Sunday, from 21:30, their identification cards cannot be issued until the definitive resolution of the case.

Two days ago, the coach of Rapid, Ioan Andone, declared: "No matter what they will decide on Friday, we shall better give up the appeal so that this case won’t be lengthened. There are coming the matches with CFR, Steaua and Dinamo, maybe we will obtain more points with Varga and Bălan in the field and we will have a good result".

What decision do you think will make Rapid? They will present a memoir or they will choose to use the two players in the match played on Sunday, at Cluj, against CFR?

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