Jelev, the great disappointment » You can see in what formula wants Stoichiţă to play in the return

Jivko Jelev, Jelev, Steaua
Jivko Jelev, Jelev, Steaua

Articol de , - Publicat joi, 11 februarie 2010 00:00

The investigation of gsp shows that no matter of the tactical system approached by Steaua, the big problems are on the defensive side, where the Bulgarian brought from Oţelul is totally unadapted.  The pluses of the team: Golanski, Tănase, Kapetanos

9 days before the beginning of the championship, the team of Gazeta present in the training camp from Antalya has analyzed the weaknesses and strengths of Steaua.

Steaua finishes tonight the friendly matches and they will meet BATE Borisov, the champion of Belarus (at 18:00, Digi Sport). This will be the match in which Stoichiţă will use for the first time the basis formula. "I will introduce those who played the best in this winter", explains him.

The coach of Steaua has already made a strategy with which he will approach the first part of the return. In the confrontations with the top adversaries he will use the system 4-4-2, as for the rest he will rely on 3-4-3. Why? "Well, think yourselves, why shall I keep four defenders when we will play in Ghencea against a team which will barricade with the entire team on the defensive side? We need to brake someway the barricade and how else shall we do it if not on the limit sides?", reveals Stoichiţă.  You can see here what endured the players from Steaua at the yesterday training from Antalya!

As Steaua will have 3 very hard matches played away in the first 5 laps (with CFR, Urziceni and Dinamo), "Lippi" will test today, in the friendly match with BATE, the module for the derbies, 4-4-2. As a matter of fact, this is the system in which Steaua moved the best in the testing matches from this winter. 

Mihai Stoichiţă, coach Steaua
"In the system 3-4-3 you cover the field very well. It is perfect to use it when a team comes on your field and they concentrate on the defensive side, refusing the play"

Mihai Stoichiţă, coach Steaua
"Every time when we played in  Antalya I used the system 4-4-2 and I introduced on the ground the players who were used with it, we had no problems at all. This means that we posses it"'


They both make mistakes, but Zapata remains the title
Stoichiţă doesn’t have doubts with respect to the goalkeepers. Even if both of them disappointed him, Zapata making a serious mistake with Lokomotiv Sofia, and Tătăruşanu even more serious with Terek Groznîi, the title is still the Columbian. He is the favorite of the coach, and, unlike Tătăruşanu, he not only makes mistakes, but he also manages the difficult balls. 

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"I disliked only the fact that that at the last two friendly matches we received two goals because of the goalkeepers. I discussed with the goalkeepers’ coach, Andrei Speriatu, and I explained to him that I do not want to see this kind of relaxing moments, because this is a position where you must be concentrated 100 % for 90 minutes"

Jelev is even weaker than Baciu
The team didn’t make a good job at all in the system 3-4-3, but maybe the situation will be different with Parpas and Diarra. In 4-4-2, the lateral defenders have always played well, and Golanski and Petre Marin are titles without emotions, but the great problems are in the centre. Jelev is a great disappointment and he didn’t integrate at all in Steaua’s play, being weaker than Baciu, the only one who goes on the adverse side of the field when he has the ball at his foot. 

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"At this point we are not very prepared, but we still have time to remedy. Jelev has to understand once for good that you cannot shot all the time as he probably did at Oţelul.
He must adapt at Steaua’s style. I have discussed with him after the friendly match with Terek and I told him this: «Why were you afraid? You have experience and now you play at Steaua! Leave the fear away, participate at the construction of the attack!». I hope he understood"


3 titles and a cruel fight Bănel - Janos
On the middle line, Steaua is ok. The couple Ovidiu Petre - Pleşan has clearly won the battle with Bicfalcvi - Toja, the Columbian will be just reserve. The competition is terrible on the bands. On the left side, Artiom won’t lose the T-shirt of title, while on the right side only one among Nicoliţă and Szekely will be on the field from the first minute.

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"We are very well organized in the middle. I have four central midfielders. Then, on the bands we are very well organized: the brothers Karamian on the left side, and on the right side Bănel and Janos. It is not a problem that it will be hard for me to chose, I will use them in turn because there are coming 17 matches, and not only two-three"


Kapetanos with Tănase or with Stancu
On the offensive side, Kapetanos is undoubtedly title in any system. In 4-4-2, his couple is between Tănase and Stancu, with a plus for the first one, even if the "Cat" is the goal-getter of the training camps. In 3-4-3, the trident seems to be Tănase-Kapetanos-Arman Karamian.

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"I am content with the performance of the forwards. Kapetanos plays good, even if at the friendly match with Terek he missed some phases from which he had scored in the return even with the eyes closed.  Tănase is in a good shape, and Stancu is really sensational. Surdu is a little weaker, but I am pleased with him, too".

The standard team in 4-4-2
Zapata - Golanski, Jelev, E. Baciu, P. Marin - Szekely (Nicoliţă), Pleşan, Ov. Petre, Artiom Karamian - Cr. Tănase, Kapetanos
The reserve bench: Tătăruşanu, Parpas, Nicoliţă (Szekely), Toja, Arman Karamian, Surdu, Stancu

The standard team in 3-4-3
Zapata - Parpas (Tudose), E. Baciu, Jelev - Nicoliţă (Szekely), Pleşan, Ov. Petre, Artiom Karamian - Cr. Tănase, Kapetanos, Arman Karamian
The reserve bench: Tătăruşanu, P. Marin, Szekely (Nicoliţă), Toja, Bicfalvi, Surdu, Stancu

The investigation of gsp shows that no matter of the tactical system approached by Steaua, the big problems are on the defensive side, where the Bulgarian brought from Oţelul is totally unadapted.  The pluses of the team: Golanski, Tănase, Kapetanos

9 days before the beginning of the championship, the team of Gazeta present in the training camp from Antalya has analyzed the weaknesses and strengths of Steaua.

Steaua finishes tonight the friendly matches and they will meet BATE Borisov, the champion of Belarus (at 18:00, Digi Sport). This will be the match in which Stoichiţă will use for the first time the basis formula. "I will introduce those who played the best in this winter", explains him.

The coach of Steaua has already made a strategy with which he will approach the first part of the return. In the confrontations with the top adversaries he will use the system 4-4-2, as for the rest he will rely on 3-4-3. Why? "Well, think yourselves, why shall I keep four defenders when we will play in Ghencea against a team which will barricade with the entire team on the defensive side? We need to brake someway the barricade and how else shall we do it if not on the limit sides?", reveals Stoichiţă.  You can see here what endured the players from Steaua at the yesterday training from Antalya!

As Steaua will have 3 very hard matches played away in the first 5 laps (with CFR, Urziceni and Dinamo), "Lippi" will test today, in the friendly match with BATE, the module for the derbies, 4-4-2. As a matter of fact, this is the system in which Steaua moved the best in the testing matches from this winter. 

Mihai Stoichiţă, coach Steaua
"In the system 3-4-3 you cover the field very well. It is perfect to use it when a team comes on your field and they concentrate on the defensive side, refusing the play"

Mihai Stoichiţă, coach Steaua
"Every time when we played in  Antalya I used the system 4-4-2 and I introduced on the ground the players who were used with it, we had no problems at all. This means that we posses it"'


They both make mistakes, but Zapata remains the title
Stoichiţă doesn’t have doubts with respect to the goalkeepers. Even if both of them disappointed him, Zapata making a serious mistake with Lokomotiv Sofia, and Tătăruşanu even more serious with Terek Groznîi, the title is still the Columbian. He is the favorite of the coach, and, unlike Tătăruşanu, he not only makes mistakes, but he also manages the difficult balls. 

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"I disliked only the fact that that at the last two friendly matches we received two goals because of the goalkeepers. I discussed with the goalkeepers’ coach, Andrei Speriatu, and I explained to him that I do not want to see this kind of relaxing moments, because this is a position where you must be concentrated 100 % for 90 minutes"

Jelev is even weaker than Baciu
The team didn’t make a good job at all in the system 3-4-3, but maybe the situation will be different with Parpas and Diarra. In 4-4-2, the lateral defenders have always played well, and Golanski and Petre Marin are titles without emotions, but the great problems are in the centre. Jelev is a great disappointment and he didn’t integrate at all in Steaua’s play, being weaker than Baciu, the only one who goes on the adverse side of the field when he has the ball at his foot. 

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"At this point we are not very prepared, but we still have time to remedy. Jelev has to understand once for good that you cannot shot all the time as he probably did at Oţelul.
He must adapt at Steaua’s style. I have discussed with him after the friendly match with Terek and I told him this: «Why were you afraid? You have experience and now you play at Steaua! Leave the fear away, participate at the construction of the attack!». I hope he understood"


3 titles and a cruel fight Bănel - Janos
On the middle line, Steaua is ok. The couple Ovidiu Petre - Pleşan has clearly won the battle with Bicfalcvi - Toja, the Columbian will be just reserve. The competition is terrible on the bands. On the left side, Artiom won’t lose the T-shirt of title, while on the right side only one among Nicoliţă and Szekely will be on the field from the first minute.

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"We are very well organized in the middle. I have four central midfielders. Then, on the bands we are very well organized: the brothers Karamian on the left side, and on the right side Bănel and Janos. It is not a problem that it will be hard for me to chose, I will use them in turn because there are coming 17 matches, and not only two-three"


Kapetanos with Tănase or with Stancu
On the offensive side, Kapetanos is undoubtedly title in any system. In 4-4-2, his couple is between Tănase and Stancu, with a plus for the first one, even if the "Cat" is the goal-getter of the training camps. In 3-4-3, the trident seems to be Tănase-Kapetanos-Arman Karamian.

Stoichiţă’s explanation
"I am content with the performance of the forwards. Kapetanos plays good, even if at the friendly match with Terek he missed some phases from which he had scored in the return even with the eyes closed.  Tănase is in a good shape, and Stancu is really sensational. Surdu is a little weaker, but I am pleased with him, too".

The standard team in 4-4-2
Zapata - Golanski, Jelev, E. Baciu, P. Marin - Szekely (Nicoliţă), Pleşan, Ov. Petre, Artiom Karamian - Cr. Tănase, Kapetanos
The reserve bench: Tătăruşanu, Parpas, Nicoliţă (Szekely), Toja, Arman Karamian, Surdu, Stancu

The standard team in 3-4-3
Zapata - Parpas (Tudose), E. Baciu, Jelev - Nicoliţă (Szekely), Pleşan, Ov. Petre, Artiom Karamian - Cr. Tănase, Kapetanos, Arman Karamian
The reserve bench: Tătăruşanu, P. Marin, Szekely (Nicoliţă), Toja, Bicfalvi, Surdu, Stancu

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