Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 15 aprilie 2009 00:00
Marcel Lică says that he won’t be anymore the president of CCA, his place will be taken by Nicolae Grigorescu (the vice-president of CCA).
"When I consider it necessary, I will go to DNA, but don’t ask me more, because I don’t want to say more details. We shall let the legislators do their job, and the innocence presumption must be present.
From this moment, I suspend myself from the position of president of CCA and I give my place to Nicolae Grigorescu", said Lică on a press release.
The 6 referees from the list published in Gazetă won’t be delegated!
Nicolae Grigorescu had a press release at the Football House, where he spoke about the corruption scandal from the arbitration. He revealed that the 6 referees whom Gazeta Sporturilor wrote about that they would have received bribe, had been suspended by CCA!
"Until tomorrow, the Committee unfolds its activity according to the laws in force. Tomorrow, CEx will decide who the president will be, viceregent or determinate.
Marcel Lică says that he won’t be anymore the president of CCA, his place will be taken by Nicolae Grigorescu (the vice-president of CCA).
"When I consider it necessary, I will go to DNA, but don’t ask me more, because I don’t want to say more details. We shall let the legislators do their job, and the innocence presumption must be present.
From this moment, I suspend myself from the position of president of CCA and I give my place to Nicolae Grigorescu", said Lică on a press release.
The 6 referees from the list published in Gazetă won’t be delegated!
Nicolae Grigorescu had a press release at the Football House, where he spoke about the corruption scandal from the arbitration. He revealed that the 6 referees whom Gazeta Sporturilor wrote about that they would have received bribe, had been suspended by CCA!
"Until tomorrow, the Committee unfolds its activity according to the laws in force. Tomorrow, CEx will decide who the president will be, viceregent or determinate.