Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 22 iulie 2009 00:00
Marius Lăcătuş, the former coach of Steaua, says that he doesn’t want the statue which Gigi Becali promised to erect for him in Ghencea.
"I didn’t see the turn match, but I know that the supporters chanted my name and I thank them. This thing with the statue does not impress me; I don’t want such a thing. Marius Lăcătuş didn’t make a legend of Steaua by himself. The fact that Gigi Becali wants to make me a statue does not impress me.
I suffer because I couldn’t manage to have results when I was the coach of Steaua. The statue is not important, the most important thing is that I am still in the soul of the supporters, even if I didn’t have the best results in the last season", said Marius Lăcătuş at sportro.
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