Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 16 martie 2009 00:00
The president FRF, Mircea Sandu, issued today a press release through which he announces that he will not communicate with the press until the beginning of May. GSP presents you the entire press release.
"Although I have made many other demarches to this effect, I discover with indignation that a phenomenon gains even more momentum. It is about the way the Romanian press understands to promote and to amplify all the scandals, the verbal aggression, the insults, the calumnies. Some club leaders are guilty for these things.
I asked you many times not to promote the leaders and the administrators, please interview and invite in your TV shows the players and the coaches. They are the actors, they are the technicians and the experts and they are the first who should tell their authorized opinion.
But, not. Without reducing their great guilt, you continue to encourage the presidents or the sponsors to swear each other all the time. What shall the children and the teenagers learn from this? What shall we expect from them, if we, the leaders and you the opinion formators, we rest on scandals and injuries, which you promote very much?
I protest once again. But my way of protesting is different now. I have decided to interrupt all the contacts with mass-media until the beginning of May."