Steaua » 10 draws of 12 with very good teams

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 13 mai 2009 00:00

Steaua’s weak evolution from this season is argued also by the fact that in the direct matches with those teams ranged now on the first half of the classification, the team from Ghencea obtained only two victories of 12 matches: 2-1 with FC Braşov and 1-0 with Unirea Urziceni, the last success being accomplished in minute 90, after a goal scored by Pantelis Kapetanos with his back. As for the rest, all the other 10 matches finished with a draw!

3 players are on the top of salaries at Steaua: Semedo, Pleşan and Ogăraru, each of them having 250.000 euro per year

500.000 euro is the amount which Gigi Becali has to pay every month for the players’ contracts

Steaua’s weak evolution from this season is argued also by the fact that in the direct matches with those teams ranged now on the first half of the classification, the team from Ghencea obtained only two victories of 12 matches: 2-1 with FC Braşov and 1-0 with Unirea Urziceni, the last success being accomplished in minute 90, after a goal scored by Pantelis Kapetanos with his back. As for the rest, all the other 10 matches finished with a draw!

3 players are on the top of salaries at Steaua: Semedo, Pleşan and Ogăraru, each of them having 250.000 euro per year

500.000 euro is the amount which Gigi Becali has to pay every month for the players’ contracts

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