Steaua waits for the retirement of Gloria Buzău in order to gain points in comparison with the adversaries

Articol de - Publicat luni, 24 noiembrie 2008 00:00

This week Steaua waits the retirement of Buzău in order to decrease the distance from Urziceni and Dinamo

Steaua could have a better position in the struggle for title due to Buzău in no more than 7 days! The players from Steaua work hardly in the coulisses, and some authorized sources brought to light for gsp that there are very big chances for Buzau to retire until Monday, until the match time with Gloria Bistriţa.

Saturday, after 1-1 with Poli Iaşi, the coach Costel Bucur said to some of the players: "We have only 3 points, we didn’t win any match. Why shall we suffer? We had better retire and that’s it!".

What the order says
An eventually retirement of Gloria Buzau would mean their demotion in Liga 3, starting with the next season. Then, according to the order, if a team retires before the end of the turn, all the results obtained up to that moment are erased. If they abandon the struggle in the break between the turn and return, then the results would be valid, and all the matches from the spring would be lost with 3-0.

Among all the teams on the top, only Steaua tied with Buzău, and the other won. This means that Steaua would be advantaged by an immediate retirement. They would have only one point minus, while the rivals would have minus 3 points! So, Steaua would be on the first place, would reduce the difference from Dinamo and Urziceni and they would leave behind CFR, Rapid and Craiova.

Discussions Becali - Bucur
Authorised sources say that Gigi Becali was visited last week by Costel Bucur, his friend whom he imposed at Buzău. The plan they organised would be the following: Gloria retires from the championship, Steaua wins in the classification, and Gloria Buzau will fusion next summer with a club, whom he is in very good terms, CSM Rm. Sărat, leader from 1st Serial from league 3.

Costel Bucur, Gloria Buzău’s sponsor
"I won’t retire! In the winter break we draw the conclusions, I make clean inside the team and I will prepare the strategy in order to fulfill the standard"

Therefore, Gloria Buzău makes a service to Gigi Becali, rids of the expenses from the return, and in the next season will start from zero in the second league. If continues in th first league, it is almost sure that it will demote without accomplishing the standard of 25 points, so it will start the next championship with a penalty.
Why the common plan Steaua - Buzău is not accomplished? Which are the barriers? The pressures made to Steaua by the rivals but also Gigi Becali’s fear that such an action would destroy his image just before the parliamentary elections.  

Last year, Buzău created problems to Steaua in the home match, 1-1 with Bunică’s goal in the injury time. If Steaua had won, they would have been champions now.

Grigore Sichitiu, official from Rapid
"The League must stop these bad things! All the clubs have to join hands and altogether shall act I order to determine Buzău to retire only after the last lap of the turn. This way, Steaua will be favored again, after she won with bricks, bags and suit cases"

Cristi Borcea, Dinamo’s shareholder
"I don’t care if Buzău demotes. I have a lot of problems now. The most important thing is to recover and play as we have to"

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