You can see here the statement made by DNA with respect to Cornel Penescu and Gheorghe Constantin's arrest for 29 days

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 14 aprilie 2009 00:00

The site of National Anticorruption Directorate made today official the information that Cornel Penescu, Gheorghe Constantin and the other accused received a new bench warrant, for 29 days. We present hereinafter the entire statement:

The prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate – The Territorial Service Piteşti make penal researches with respect to the following defendants:
- PENESCU GHEORGHE CORNEL,  the majority shareholder at the Football Club FC ARGEŞ Piteşti and shareholder and associate to SC PIC S.A. Piteşti and to other companies, who was accused of three infractions of  giving bribe, and two of these are in continuous form;
- FĂCĂLEAŢĂ LIVIU ILIE, a person from Penescu Gheorghe Cornel’s surroundings, who was accused of one infraction of giving bribe and one infraction of giving bribe complicity in continuous form;
- CONSTANTIN GHEORGHE, the president of the Central Committee of Referees from FRF, who was accused of two infractions of taking bribe and one of these is in continuous form;
- LIBERTATU DAN CRISTIAN, former manager of the County Office for Customers’ Protection Argeş, who was accused of an infraction of taking bribe.

From the Writ of starting the penal action made by the prosecutors follows that, the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel gave directly, in two tranches, the amount of 290.000 RON to the defendant Constantin Gheorghe, so that he may delegate, being the president of the Central Committee of Referees from FRF, some referees favored by the first defendant at the matches disputed by FC Argeş in the season 2008 – 2009 and promote in the Batch A a referee protected by the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel.

The site of National Anticorruption Directorate made today official the information that Cornel Penescu, Gheorghe Constantin and the other accused received a new bench warrant, for 29 days. We present hereinafter the entire statement:

The prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate – The Territorial Service Piteşti make penal researches with respect to the following defendants:
- PENESCU GHEORGHE CORNEL,  the majority shareholder at the Football Club FC ARGEŞ Piteşti and shareholder and associate to SC PIC S.A. Piteşti and to other companies, who was accused of three infractions of  giving bribe, and two of these are in continuous form;
- FĂCĂLEAŢĂ LIVIU ILIE, a person from Penescu Gheorghe Cornel’s surroundings, who was accused of one infraction of giving bribe and one infraction of giving bribe complicity in continuous form;
- CONSTANTIN GHEORGHE, the president of the Central Committee of Referees from FRF, who was accused of two infractions of taking bribe and one of these is in continuous form;
- LIBERTATU DAN CRISTIAN, former manager of the County Office for Customers’ Protection Argeş, who was accused of an infraction of taking bribe.

From the Writ of starting the penal action made by the prosecutors follows that, the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel gave directly, in two tranches, the amount of 290.000 RON to the defendant Constantin Gheorghe, so that he may delegate, being the president of the Central Committee of Referees from FRF, some referees favored by the first defendant at the matches disputed by FC Argeş in the season 2008 – 2009 and promote in the Batch A a referee protected by the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel.

It also followed that the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel gave, through the defendant Făcăleaţă Liviu Ilie, the amount of 4.000 euro to the defendant Libertatu Dan Cristian, who is manager at the Office for Customers’ Protection Argeş so that he won’t fulfill the responsibilities with respect to his competences which he had at the County Office for Customers’ Protection Argeş toward the activity developed by SC PIC S.A., a company controlled by Penescu Gheorghe Cornel. The amount was given so that the company won’t be surcharged, and its spokesmen to obtain information which are not public regarding the possible checks made by the agents of the County Office for Customers’ Protection Argeş.

From the same Writ followed that, from October to December 2008, the defendant Penescu Gheorghe Cornel gave the total amount 54.000 USD to several referees from League 1 football in order to benefit of advantageous in the matches played by FC Argeş Piteşti and the amount of 3.000 euro to a federal observer delegated at one of the matches disputed by FC Argeş. The above mentioned amounts of money had been given to the referees through the defendant Făcăleaţă Liviu Ilie.

The defendants have been informed about the accusations according to the provisions of art. 6 item 3 Penal procedure code, and on 13th of April 2009, the anticorruption prosecutors decided to arrest them for 24 hours. On 14th of April 2009, the Court from Argeş decided to arrest preventively the four defendants for 29 days.
In the same cause, they make penal investigations with respect to other persons, too.

At the investigation of this file, the prosecutors collaborated with officers from M.A.I. – The General Directorate of Information and Internal Protection.

We specify that the beginning of the penal action is a stage in the penal process regularized by the Penal procedure code necessary for the proposal of some preventive measures. This situation cannot defeat in any circumstances the principle of innocence presumption.

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