Commission of 500.000 € from FRF

Mircea Sandu
Mircea Sandu

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010 00:00

This is the amount cashed by the company SEG from the partnership with FRF in 2008, a company which has the commercial rights of the institution. In the same year the affiliated clubs took 755.000 euro

Since 2006, FRF has ceded totally the activity of marketing and representing to the company Sport Evolution Grup (SEG), whose shareholders are Cristi Iancu and Roberto Verdeş. The economical balances on 2008 of the two juridical entities, FRF and SEG, which appeared on the Official Gazette and on the web site of the Ministry of Finance, approach to amazing conclusions.  

Drops for the members
In 2008, FRF reported a revenue of almost 19,85 million euro. From this money, in the column "Subventions for the members", i.e. money for the clubs from League 2, League 3 and AJFs, altogether 182 clubs, it is specified the amount of 755.000 euro. The amount represents 3 % of the revenues of FRF from 2008.  

Boom at SEG
In the same year, 2008, the revenues of the company SEG "exploded", reaching at 4.970.000 euro. On the site it is specified that "in this moment, almost 75 % of all the activities performed by SEG are related to the partnership with FRF". Hence it results that almost 3,7 millions of the revenues of SEG came from the sponsors of FRF. SEG had in 2008 a profit of 670.000 euro. It follows that from the partnership with FRF they encashed 500.000 euro.

"I do not have exact information, but if this is written on our site, then it might be true. From 2006, since we have started the partnership with FRF, I have raised the budget of this institution almost 5 times"
Cristi Iancu, manager SEG

730 thousands euro allocated FRF on 2009 for founding the clubs and for 2010 it is advanced the amount of 1,535 million euro

The contract with Dacia
A financial representative from "Dacia", one of the main sponsors of FRF, has revealed then that the money are sent on different orders: 75 % to FRF, 25 % to SEG. Cristi Iancu has infirmed the information: "Everything is false! All the money from Dacia is sent at SEG, and then we transfer to FRF a certain amount, according to the contract and the percentages established".

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