Mutu will miss the friendly match with Georgia!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 07 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Injured at the adductors, Adrian Mutu will take a break of two weeks, becoming this way unavailable for the national team game with Georgia, on November, 19.

"The tests made this morning showed that Adrian Mutu suffered a muscular wound of first grade at the adductors. He already began the physiotherapy in order to be able to come back to the activity in two weeks", writes the Florentine official site.

Mutu’s injury happened during the party from Champions League, with Bayern (1-1), in which the Romanian scored the only goal of the Italians. It seems that "Brilliant’s" problems come one after another this season, after he suffered injuries both at the left elbow and at the knee.

Injured at the adductors, Adrian Mutu will take a break of two weeks, becoming this way unavailable for the national team game with Georgia, on November, 19.

"The tests made this morning showed that Adrian Mutu suffered a muscular wound of first grade at the adductors. He already began the physiotherapy in order to be able to come back to the activity in two weeks", writes the Florentine official site.

Mutu’s injury happened during the party from Champions League, with Bayern (1-1), in which the Romanian scored the only goal of the Italians. It seems that "Brilliant’s" problems come one after another this season, after he suffered injuries both at the left elbow and at the knee.

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Comentarii (3)
 •  03 Ianuarie 2009, 14:45

qnslzavbqkzackxvwell, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how's life? hope it's introduce branch ;)

 •  11 Noiembrie 2008, 17:06

da...engleza cam proasta....dar e intelesul tuturor:)))) romanilor desigur;)

 •  09 Noiembrie 2008, 00:44

I have to say this has to be some of the worst English I've ever read in my life. You guys can do much better than this. Chiar, sunt sigur k sunt multi in Romania care pot scrie macar acceptabil.

Vezi toate comentariile (3)