Ilie Dumitrescu was congratulated by his ex-coach, Harry Redknapp: "Brilliant first half!"

Harry Redknapp, Redknapp
Harry Redknapp, Redknapp

Articol de - Publicat luni, 20 septembrie 2010 00:00

Tottenham's Harry Redknapp who coached Ilie Dumitrescu at West Ham congratulated his former player for the game against Liverpool.

Even though Steaua lost the game against Liverpool they received lots of praises from the English. First, the press celebrated Tanase quality finishing. Then, a day later, Ilie got a surprise phone call.

His ex-coach from West Ham United, Harry Redknapp called him to congratulate him about Steaua's game against Liverpool. "Brilliant first half" was the first thing he said. At the end of the first half, Steaua and Liverpool were tied 1-1.

Ilie Dumitrescu said what Redknapp was impressed about: "He told me that he liked how we faced the fantastic pressure on Anfield with very young players.

They saw the game on the airplane
Less than 24 hours passed when Ilie saw the video of the game with Liverpool. At the time he was on the airpline to Bucharest. All the players came to see their coach who would explain where they went wrong.

Tottenham's Harry Redknapp who coached Ilie Dumitrescu at West Ham congratulated his former player for the game against Liverpool.

Even though Steaua lost the game against Liverpool they received lots of praises from the English. First, the press celebrated Tanase quality finishing. Then, a day later, Ilie got a surprise phone call.

His ex-coach from West Ham United, Harry Redknapp called him to congratulate him about Steaua's game against Liverpool. "Brilliant first half" was the first thing he said. At the end of the first half, Steaua and Liverpool were tied 1-1.

Ilie Dumitrescu said what Redknapp was impressed about: "He told me that he liked how we faced the fantastic pressure on Anfield with very young players.

They saw the game on the airplane
Less than 24 hours passed when Ilie saw the video of the game with Liverpool. At the time he was on the airpline to Bucharest. All the players came to see their coach who would explain where they went wrong.

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