The players from Steaua have been bombarded by the fans for pictures and poze şi autographs at Chişinău

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 01 decembrie 2009 00:00

The delegation from Steaua lodged at the hotel Jollie Alon from Chişinău. They had lunch around 1 o’clock, and then they went into their rooms to have a rest, transmits the correspondent of

Dumitru Dumitriu and Ştefan Iovan are alongside Stoichiţă’s team, showing themselves sanuine of a positive result in the match from tomorrow. Even Valeriu Argăseală, Teia Sponte and Ovidiu Costeşin arrived at Chişinău together with the players.

The delegation from Steaua lodged at the hotel Jollie Alon from Chişinău. They had lunch around 1 o’clock, and then they went into their rooms to have a rest, transmits the correspondent of

Dumitru Dumitriu and Ştefan Iovan are alongside Stoichiţă’s team, showing themselves sanuine of a positive result in the match from tomorrow. Even Valeriu Argăseală, Teia Sponte and Ovidiu Costeşin arrived at Chişinău together with the players.

"Steaua has chances to win, because it has more experience at the international level. I have watched the players from Sheriff Tiraspol, they make a powerful team, it won’t be very easy", declared Dumitru Dumitriu.

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